JavaScript + React + GraphQL = 👨💻@Omio, Berlin
Creator of styled-wind, graphql-codegen (VS Code) and hql-tag
Contributing to Open-source libraries of Product ride (https://productride.com/)
Twitter is where I share my tech updates - @vilvaathibanpb
One code - Multiple platforms
Consistency in Product across platforms
Improved Developer experience
New threading model
Async rendering and multiple rendering capabilities
Simplified bridge between JS and native
Heavy Animations
Latest iOS/Android features
Device-Specific APIs
Offline Mode
Current Options
GraphQL to rescue
Simple persistence for all Apollo Client cache implementations, including InMemoryCache
GraphQL Code Generator is a CLI tool that can generate TypeScript typings out of a GraphQL schema.
typescript - Generate types for TypeScript - those are usually relevant for both client-side and server-side code
typescript-operations - Generate client specific TypeScript types (query, mutation, subscription, fragment)
typescript-react-apollo - Generate TypeScript types, and React-Apollo Components
near-operation-file - Generates operation code near the source file
typescript-resolvers - generates TypeScript signature for resolve functions of your GraphQL API
Organized Cache data management with queries/mutations instead of Nested JSON
Awesome DX with autocomplete and typescript support
Shared cache across devices and platforms
Better User Experience and performance by leveraging fetch-policy
With Apollo GraphQL, no external library is required for state management.
The local state can be managed with queries/mutations thereby making clean and maintainable code.
The cache data is structured and works similar across devices. Hence cache/offline data can be shared across devices and platforms
React Native
Native (iOS/Android)
Cache data