Web Components with Polymer

Vinay Raghu / @rvinay88  / viii.in

Vinay Raghu

  • viii.in | @rvinay88 
  • UI / UX developer
  • Consulting and coaching
  • Meetup enthusiast
  • Open source contributor
  • Writer
  • What we are going to see?

    1. A quick intro to web components 
    2. Creating our own web component with Polymer

    Best new web technology


    Declarative and Compose-able

    <select name='options'>
      <option value='option-1'>Option 1</option>
      <option value='option-2'>Option 2</option>
      <option value='option-3'>Option 3</option>

    Declarative and Compose-able

     <select name='options'>
      <option value='option-1' disabled>Option 1</option>
      <option value='option-2'>Option 2</option>
      <option value='option-3'>Option 3</option>

    Declarative and Compose-able

    <select name='options' multiple>
      <option value='option-1' disabled>Option 1</option>
      <option value='option-2'>Option 2</option>
      <option value='option-3'>Option 3</option>

    Web Components

    1. Shadow DOM
    2. HTML imports
    3. Templates
    4. Custom elements

    Shadow DOM

    Think of Shadow DOM as a better way to do iframes

    Technology that browsers use

    Encapsulate styles and scripts

    HTML imports

    There is no good way to package HTML documents
    <script src="../platform/platform.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <link rel="import" href="new-widget.html">

    Using Bootstrap Tabs

    1. Copy markup
    2. Include script
    3. Include CSS
    4. Instantiate tabs 

    Componentize the web

    <twbs-tabs title="tab-one">Tab content</twbs-tabs>

    • Less boilerplate
    • More app-specific code


    Inert pieces of DOM that can be reused

      <h3>Inert Template</h3>
      <img src="http://i.imgur.com/w2RByDr.jpg"> 
        alert("Shots fired"); // Does not execute


    • No network calls until activated
    • No resources loaded
    • No scripts executed 

    Custom elements

    Templates + Shadow DOM

    • Must contain a hyphen
    • <chart-doughnut></chart-doughnut>
    • <chart-pie></chart-pie>

    Web Components

    • Combination of the before mentioned technologies
    • Experimental web features 
    • Not production ready 


    • Elements
    • Presentations
    • Articles
    • Best practices 


    • Polymer project by Google
    • Brick by Mozilla
    • X-tags

    Polymer Project

    Why Web Components / Polymer?

  • Techtonic shift - or is it?
  • Fully available in Chrome stable 
    • Interoperability between react and angular

    The real reasons

  • Backed by Google
  • Material designAndroid LWeb starter kit
  • 250+ Google APIs will soon implement polymer
  • Code Sample



    • Its XML all over again 
    • View source is a great way to learn
    • Best practices 
    • Repeated efforts 


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