Full-Stack web dev
without JavaScript!?

Vedran Mandić,
Algebra Trainer

.debug, Zagreb Dec 11 2019

A Thank You! for making this happen...

Hi, I am Vedran. 👋

  • coding is my passion and my work is a hobby
  • I freelance, talk and lecture C# / .NET and JavaScript
  • currently in insurance industry
  • on medium and dev.to by @vekzdran
  • on github by @vmandic
  • Lecturer at Algebra
  • bad at basics, suck at CSS, moderate in C#... jk 🙈

The modern
web drives
me <3






  • 1995 fast fwd
  • 2008 fast fwd
  • 2015 fast fwd
  • 2019...

History of FE web dev in 1 slide

TypeScript "fixes everything"

BTW we were talking FE dev only...

Backends are happily sandboxed in their runtimes, compilers, interpreters...

What if we standardised the runtime in the browser?

WebAssembly (.wasm)

01 instruction format for a stack-based VM

Open Standard

compile C/C++/Rust into .wasm

Efficient, fast, safe and debuggable

Has JS interop in/out

How fast?

~1.67x faster than JS on MBP 2015 testing a
GameBoy emulator as a testing app in Dec 2018

More precisely cca 125 vs cca 90 frame rendering rate

What if we compile a C++ based backend VM runtime into .wasm? 🔥

e.g. C# .NET CLR into .wasm? Why not!

...and then you get Blazor

  • which is a .NET (VM runtime) in the browser
  • which is you writing C# and running in browser
  • which is reusing a huge and healthy ecosystem
  • constantly improving
  • open source on GitHub
  • community growing
  • works with the latest open source .NET Core framework
  • works with the latest C# language features
  • and you can interop with JS
  • and you can rebuild JS patterns such as Redux in it
  • and you get a type system from C#
  • and you get shared business logic and model data...

How does it work?

But it works "ServerSide" only also

OK Mr. Microsoft, so boring... 😴

demo please! 😎

The end! 📸 Questions?



@vekzdran @vmandic


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