Mateusz Pokora
// Deklaracja funkcji
sayHello : String -> String
sayHello name =
"Hello " ++ name ++ "!"
add : Int -> Int -> Int
add a b =
a + b
add5 : Int -> Int
add5 a =
add 5 a
names = [ "Alice", "Bob", "Chuck" ]
point2D =
{ x = 0
, y = 0
point3D =
{ x = 3
, y = 4
, z = 12
// name, points, isAdmin
("Mateusz", 20, True)
// host, port
("", 3000)
var user = {
name: "Mateusz",
age: 21
user.age = 100;
user : User
user = {
name = "Mateusz"
, age = 21
updatedUser = { user | age = 100 }
Nie modyfikujemy istniejących struktur. Zamiast tego tworzymy nowe aktualizując pola.
var user = {
name: "Mateusz",
age: 21
user.age = 100;
user : User
user = {
name = "Mateusz"
, age = 21
updatedUser = { user | age = 100 }
Nie modyfikujemy istniejących struktur. Zamiast tego tworzymy nowe aktualizując pola.
skipHead : List String -> List String
skipHead items =
case items of
[] ->
head :: tail ->
const skipHead = (items) => {
if (items.length === 0) {
return items;
} else {
return items.slice(0, 1);
// Javascript
var capitalName = String.capitalize("mateusz")
var reversedCapitalName = String.reverse(capitalName)
// Right pipe
"mateusz" |> String.capitalize |> String.reverse |> displayName // "zsuetaM"
// Right compose
reverseCapitalize = String.capitalize >> String.reverse >> displayName
reverseCapitalize "mateusz" // "zsuetaM"
description : Maybe String
description =
Just "I'm description"
description =
case description of
Just body ->
String.reverse body
Nothing ->
module UserForm exposing (Model, title, formNumber)
type alias Model = {
email : String
, name : String
, age : String
title : String
title =
formNumber : Int
formNumber =
printName : String -> String
printName name =
"My name is :" ++ name
printName 1
Function `printName` is expecting the argument to be:
But it is:
type alias FormState = {
nameInput : String
, emailInput : String
, ageInput : Int
, birthDate : Date
type Visibility = All | Active | Completed
type Form =
| Editing
| Submitting
| SubmitSuccess
| SubmitError
tableView : Visibility -> Html Msg
tableView visibility =
div [] [
case visibility of
All ->
text "Wszystkie"
Active ->
text "Aktywne"
Completed ->
text "Zakończone"
tableView All
const tableView = (visibility) => {
switch(visibility) {
case "All":
return "Wszystkie";
case "Active":
return "Aktywne";
case "Completed":
return "Zakończone";
type Visibility =
| Active
| Completed
tableView : Visibility -> Html Msg
tableView visibility =
div [] [
case visibility of
All ->
text "Wszystkie"
Active ->
text "Aktywne"
This `case` does not have branches for all possibilities.
90|> case visibility of
91|> All ->
92|> text "Wszystkie"
94|> Active ->
95|> text "Aktywne"
You need to account for the following values:
Add a branch to cover this pattern!
type RemoteData e a
= NotAsked
| Loading
| Failure e
| Success a
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
Funkcja opisująca jak wygląda nasza aplikacja
type alias Model = {
nameInput : String
, emailInput : String
, termsAndConditionsInput : Bool
, formValid : Bool
, modalOpen : Bool
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [] [
input [
value model.emailInput
, onClick UpdateEmail
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateEmail email ->
({ model | email = email}, Cmd.none )
SubmitForm ->
// komunikacja z serwerem
Utworzenie struktury modelu w taki sposób aby wykluczyć stany które wzajemnie się wykluczają
const emailField = {
value: "",
errorMessage: "",
valid: true,
touched: false,
const emailField = {
value: "",
errorMessage: "email is invalid",
valid: false,
touched: false,
type EmailField =
| Valid String
| Invalid String String
type EmailField =
| Valid String
| Invalid String String
// 1. Instalacja globalna przy pomocy npm
npm install -g elm
// 2. Stworzenie początkowego projektu
// A. create-elm-app
npm install create-elm-app -g
create-elm-app my-elm-project
cd my-app/
elm-app start
// B. git clone
git clone my-elm-project
cd my-elm-project
npm install
npm start