a.k.a. how Ian got started with WP development without banging his head against the wall
A faster, easier and more powerful way to build themes. Because WordPress is awesome, but the loop isnโt.
The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
if( have_rows('left_column') ):
while ( have_rows('left_column') ) : the_row(); ?>
<div class="acg-layout-column acg-layout-column--left">
while ( have_rows('flexible_column') ) : the_row();
if( get_row_layout() == 'content' ):
$heading = get_sub_field('heading');
$content = get_sub_field('content');
<h2><?php echo $heading; ?></h2>
<div><?php echo $content; ?></div>
{% if layout.left_column %}
{% for column in layout.left_column.flexible_column %}
{% if column.acf_fc_layout == 'content' %}
<div class="acg-layout-column acg-layout-column--left">
<h2>{{ column.heading }}</h2>
<div>{{ column.content }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
public 'id' => int 6
public 'ID' => int 6
public 'post_author' => string '1' (length=1)
public 'post_content' => string '' (length=0)
public 'post_date' => string '2012-08-06 20:01:08' (length=19)
public 'post_excerpt' => string '' (length=0)
public 'post_parent' => int 0
public 'post_status' => string 'publish' (length=7)
public 'post_title' => string 'Homepage' (length=8)
public 'post_type' => string 'page' (length=4)
public 'slug' => string 'homepage' (length=8)
public 'callout_item_0_callout_title' => string 'United Against Racism' (length=21)
public 'callout_item_0_callout_text' => string 'Silence in the face of racism and discrimination, both individual and systemic, is indefensible.' (length=96)
public 'callout_item_0_callout_link' => boolean false
public 'callout_item_0_callout_image_svg' => string 'icon-book' (length=9)
public 'callout_item_1_callout_title' => string 'Free Problem Solving Workshops for Organizations Pursuing Social Justice' (length=72)
public 'callout_item_1_callout_text' => string 'We want to help your organization overcome critical challenges through Design Thinking' (length=86)
public 'callout_item_1_callout_link' => boolean false
public 'callout_item_1_callout_image_svg' => string 'icon-sync' (length=9)
<article class="tco-post--type-{{ post.post_type }}" id="post-{{ post.ID }}">
{% include "partials/header-blog.twig" %}
<div class="tco-post-body">
<div class="tco-container-wrapper">
<div class="tco-container tco-container--narrow">
{{ post.content }}
{% include "partials/post-info.twig" %}
<div class="tco-container-wrapper {{ background_class }}">
<div class="tco-container {{ width_class }}">
{% for component in content %}
<div class="tco-component">
{% set file_name = 'partials/' ~ component.acf_fc_layout ~ '.twig' %}
{% include file_name %}
{% endfor %}
<p>{{ post.preview.length(50).read_more('Continue Reading') }}</p>
<img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src|tojpg|resize(300, 300) }}" />
A zero-configuration developer toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins
registerBlockType( 'block/container', {
title: __( 'Container' ),
icon: 'align-center',
edit: ( {attributes, setAttributes} ) => {
return (
<SelectControl label="Container Size"
value={ attributes.size }
options={ [
{ label: 'Medium', value: 'medium' },
{ label: 'Wide', value: 'wide' },
{ label: 'Narrow', value: 'narrow' }
] }
onChange={ ( size ) => {
setAttributes( { size } );
} } />
<div className={ classNames( baseWrapperClass, sizeClass ) }>
<InnerBlocks />
save: ( { attributes } ) => {
return (
<div className={ classNames( baseWrapperClass, sizeClass ) }>
<InnerBlocks.Content />
ACF PRO includes extra fields & features to better develop websites including PHP Blocks, Repeatable Fields, Page Building tools, Media Galleries and Custom Options Pages.
acf_register_block( array(
'name' => 'Breadcrumbs',
'title' => __( 'Breadcrumbs', 'blocks' ),
'description' => __( 'Display breadcrumb links', 'blocks' ),
'render_callback' => 'block_breadcrumbs_render_callback',
'category' => 'common',
'icon' => 'ellipsis',
'keywords' => array( 'breadcrumbs', 'navigation', 'links' ),
) );
{% set breadcrumbs = fields.breadcrumbs_block ? fields.breadcrumbs_block : post_ancestors %}
{% set show_site = fields.breadcrumb_block_show_site ?? true %}
<nav aria-label="Breadcrumbs" class="breadcrumbs">
<ul class="breadcrumbs__list">
{% if show_site %}
<li><a class="breadcrumbs__list__link" href="{{ site.url }}">{{ site.name }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% for crumb in breadcrumbs %}
{% set crumb_post = Post(crumb) %}
<li><a class="breadcrumbs__list__link" href="{{ crumb_post.link }}">{{ crumb_post.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<li><span aria-current="page">{{ post.title }}</span></li>
An isomorphic JavaScript client for the WordPress REST API that makes it easy for your JavaScript application to request specific resources from a WordPress website.
const results = await this.wp
.filter({ meta_query: query })
.param('region', selectedRegion)
A command-line interface for many actions you might perform in the WordPress admin... also includes commands for many things you canโt do in the WordPress admin
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'oldurl.com', 'newurl.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'oldurl.com','newurl.com');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'oldurl.com', 'newurl.com');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'oldurl.com','newurl.com');
wp search-replace 'oldurl.com' 'newurl.com'
--precise --recurse-objects --all-tables