Speech Project

Week 17 Report

b02901085   徐瑞陽

b02901054   方為

Task 5:

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)

We focus on slots 1 and 3 of subtask 1 first

Subtask 1: Sentence-level ABSA

Given a review text about a target entity (laptop, restaurant, etc.),

identify the following information:

  • Slot 1: Aspect Category
    • ex. ''It is extremely portable and easily connects to WIFI at the library and elsewhere''
  • Slot 2: Opinion Target Expression (OTE)
    • ​an expression used in the given text to refer to the reviewed E#A
    • ​ex. ''The fajitas were delicious, but expensive''
      ----->{FOOD#QUALITY, “fajitas”}, {FOOD#PRICES, “fajitas”}
  • Slot 3: Sentiment Polarity
    • ​label: (positive, negative, or neutral) 


Slot1 : Aspect Detection

Subtask1: Sentence-level

Slot1 : Aspect Detection

bag of word : 62 %

glove vector :  61 %

bag of word + glove vector : 64 %


bag of word :  48 %

glove vector :  42%

bag of word + glove vector :  47 %


Linear SVM

Slot1 : Aspect Detection

bag of word :  %

glove vector :  61 %

bag of word + glove vector :  64 %


bag of word :   %

glove vector : %

bag of word + glove vector :   %



Experiment in Slot1 (Cross Validation)

Without LSI :

  • With Tf-Idf indexing

restaurant : 61% (12 category)

laptop : 52% (81 category)

  • Without Tf-Idf indexing

restaurant : 60% (12 category)

laptop : 50.05% (81 category)

Experiment in Slot1 (Cross Validation)

With LSI : (reduce dimension to 1000)

restaurant : 60% (12 category)

laptop : 52% (81 category)

Need more time...

Seems no improvement ,
but the 1000 dimension seems preserve the essential info

Experiment in Slot1 (Cross Validation)


(origin size)
(unigram size)
restaurant 61% 61%
laptop 51% 51%

seems high input dimension is not a problem :p

(origin size)
(unigram size)
restaurant 61%
laptop 51%


Experiment in Slot1 (Visualization of LSI)

Experiment in Slot1 (Visualization of LSI)

Experiment in Slot1 (Visualization of LSI)

Nothing special  :p

Experiment in Slot1 (unsupervised LDA)

Experiment in Slot1 (supervised LDA)

Experiment in Slot1 (Summary)

Two kinds of classifier

  • discriminative model : 
  • generative model : 

something like dimensionality reduction

use sample to classify directly

use sample to guess hidden model's param <learn a model>
use these models to predict unseen sample <classify>

Slot3 : Polarity Detection

Subtask1: Sentence-level

Slot3 : 

Polarity Detection

Restaurant Laptop
Model 3-class accuracy 3-class accuracy
TreeLSTM 71.23% 74.93%
Sentinue (SemEval 2015 best) 78.69% 79.34%
  • Small Experiment: predict by training a TreeLSTM model

Seems like we're on the right track...

removed conflicting labels for different aspects in a sentence

accuracy tested on dev set of training data where conflicting labels are removed, so it cannot completely reflect real acc.

Slot3 : Polarity Identification

Proposed Model

Slot3 : 

Polarity Detection

  • Predict by training the proposed model
  • Details:
    • Word embedding: GloVe vectors
    • Target: 5 classes
    • structure: dependency tree
    • learning rate: 0.005; embedding learning rate: 0.1
    • dropout: 0.5; activation: tanh
    • ​​​restaurant: 2 layers, 300 hidden
    • laptop: 3 layers, 300 hidden
  • sentence Features obtain from last layer of TreeLSTM
  • Stage 1: TreeLSTM
  • when training TreeLSTM, conflicting labels for different aspects in a sentence are removed
  • To extract sentence features for next stage

Slot3 : 

Polarity Detection

  • Details:
    • Target: 3 classes
    • learning rate: 0.0001
    • dropout: 0.3
    • ​​3 layers, 256 hidden
    • activation: relu
  • Experimented with NN, will try SVM in the future
  • Stage 2: Classifier
  • conflicting labels can be trained in this stage

Slot3 : 

Polarity Detection

Restaurant Laptop
Model 3-class accuracy 3-class accuracy
Our model 83% 84.5%
Sentinue (SemEval 2015 best) 78.69% 79.34%

Note: accuracy obtained through cross-validation


Exciting results!!! Though we have yet to check whether the data for this year and last year are the same

Future Work

Before submission deadline (1/31)

Slot 1: Aspect Detection

Subtask 1: Sentence-level

Slot 2: OTE detection

Structured Learning

Subtask 1: Sentence-level

Slot 3: Polarity Detection

  1. SVM in stage 2
  2. Label internal nodes when training stage 1 TreeLSTM
  3. Use other resources
  4. Write our own TreeLSTM so our model can be trained end-to-end (if time permits...)
  5. QA memory network (if time permits...)

Subtask 1: Sentence-level



Subtask1-slot1 SVM

See if sentence contains aspect


if yes

predict polarity by Subtask1-slot3 model

For each sentence:

Finally, combine all aspect and polarity pairs

Subtask 2: Text-level

Subtask 3: Out-of-domain

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