Speech Project

Week 12 Report

b02901085   徐瑞陽

b02901054   方為

Paper Study

Hierarchical Neural Autoencoders


LSTM captures local compositions (the way neighboring words are combined semantically and syntatically

Sentence\ encoder{\rightarrow}Paragraph\ encoder
Sentence encoderParagraph encoderSentence\ encoder{\rightarrow}Paragraph\ encoder

Paragraph Autoencoder Models

Model 1: Standard LSTM

Model 2: Hierarchical LSTM

Model 3: Hierarchical LSTM with Attention

Evaluation - Summarization

  • ROUGE: recall-oriented score
  • BLEU: precision-oriented score

Task 5:

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)

Subtask 1: Sentence-level ABSA

Given a review text about a target entity (laptop, restaurant, etc.),

identify the following information:

  • Slot 1: Aspect Category
    • ex. ''It is extremely portable and easily connects to WIFI at the library and elsewhere''
  • Slot 2: Opinion Target Expression (OTE)
    • ​an expression used in the given text to refer to the reviewed E#A
    • ​ex. ''The fajitas were delicious, but expensive''
      ----->{FOOD#QUALITY, “fajitas”}, {FOOD#PRICES, “fajitas”}
  • Slot 3: Sentiment Polarity
    • ​label: (positive, negative, or neutral) 


Subtask 2: Text-level ABSA

Given a set of customer reviews about a target entity (ex. a restaurant), identify a set of {aspect, polarity} tuples that summarize the opinions expressed in each review.

Subtask 3: Out-of-domain ABSA

Test system in a previously unseen domain (hotel reviews in SemEval 2015) for which no training data was made available. The gold annotations for Slots 1 and 2 were provided and the teams had to return the sentiment polarity values (Slot 3).

Our Framework

Framework 1

Encode by Tree-LSTM or autoencoder

Framework 2

End-to-end MemNN

Problem we encountered

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