Forward (& Backward) Thinking

Wei Zhu (祝伟)


Is one detection statistically significant?

One is significant: DM-free galaxy

van Dokkum et al. (2018, 2019), Mancera Piña et al. (2021); see also Trujillo et al. (2019)


One is significant: Direct imaging wide-orbit planets

Forward modeling vs. Backward modeling (or. inversion problem)

$$ P({\rm Model|Data}) = \frac{P({\rm Data|Model}) P({\rm Model})}{P({\rm Data})} \propto P({\rm Data|Model}) $$

Application to the rate calculation...

John von Neumann: With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.

The danger of over-fitting!

Danger of over-simplification

  • Hubble constant from strong lensing time delay.
  • Kepler dichotomy.
  • ...

\(H_0\) Lenses in COSMOGRAIL's Wellspring (H0LiCOW )

  • 2.4% error on \(H_0\);
  • 5.3\(\sigma\) tension with CMB \(H_0\).

Kochanek (2020): "It is unlikely that any current estimates of \(H_0\) from gravitational lens time delays are more accurate than ∼10 per cent, regardless of the reported precision."

 "Kepler dichotomy"

  • Half of transiting planets (tranets) are found in single-tranet systems.
  • If assuming small (and fixed) mutual inclinations, two populations are needed:
    • Compact systems
    • 1-planet systems (or 2-planet with large mutual inclinations)

The Silent Majority

Peas in a pod?

Weiss et al. (2018)

(See also Lissauer et al. 2011, Ciardi et al. 2013, Millholland et al. 2017)

Radius of the inner planet \(R_\oplus\)

Radius of the outer planet \(R_\oplus\)

Solar system in the context

See Zhu (2020) and Murchikova & Tremaine (2020).

Figure adapted from Penny et al. (2019)

  • Solar system planets have very diverse properties.
  • In a (super-)Kepler's view, Solar system planets (Venus & Earth) have very similar properties.

一个物理学家发现,奇数都是质数。他找来两个学生来做实验验证。学生A找来20以内所有的奇数,他发现 9,15不是质数。他和导师在PRL上发了篇文章,声称在10%的误差范围内奇数都是质数。

学生A毕业以后,学生B接过他的工作,继续研究。她找来100以内的质数,发现只有25个。于是她和导师写了篇文章说,奇数都是质数这个结论是正确的,不过在使用的时候,需要乘以一个蒙混因子(fudge factor)。


Know the physics

Brewer et al. (2018): Compact Multi-planet Systems are more Common around Metal-poor Hosts

Winter et al. (2020): Stellar clustering shapes the architecture of planetary systems

Low phase space density

High phase space density

Forward Thinking

  • One detection can be significant.
    • Depending on your expectation.
  • Advantages of forward modeling
  • The danger of forward modeling
    • Over-fitting & over-simplification

  • The silent majority.
  • Know the physics behind the data.
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