Having too many distractions
limits your ability to focus and learn
Close all tabs you aren't using
Turn off distractions like your phone or Slack
Have lots to do? Make a todo list and put it away
Consolidate all your open windows to one screen
Trying to learn without
clearing the stage is like...
(Finish the sentence!)
It is easy to get distracted with the amount of information we're trying to learn in this class
Tree Structure
Elements vs Tags
Meta Tags
Browser Compatibility
Mastering standards will make you a web developer.
Objectives tell you how to master that standard.
Define terms and what actions need to be taken to demonstrate mastery at the following standard.
Standards declare what the end goal is but it will take deliberate and focused practice to get there.
Comfort Zone
(Can do without help)
Outside Comfort Zone
(Unable to do yet)
Zone of Proximal Development
(Can do with guidance)
Flow, the secret to happiness - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Find an example for each of the circled sections in your own life.