technology that enables engagement or participation of the public for stronger development, enhancing citizen communications, improving government infrastructure, and generally improving the public good. [1]
Chicago Data Portal (2010)
Opening up data is a fantastic start. But opening up analysis and application code allows for really cool stuff:
Chicago's open source health code violation prediction
AoT will essentially serve as a “fitness tracker” for the city, measuring factors that impact livability in Chicago such as climate, air quality and noise. - AoT website
We'll deploy 500 nodes in Chicago. Here is where the first batch is going (link)
A commission of 15 experts is charged with examining
what data-sharing infrastructure should be used to facilitate data merging and access for research purposes... how to protect information and ensure individual privacy and confidentiality... how data and results of research can be used to inform program administrators and policymakers to improve program design
(nice overview article here)
“I think the crazy thing is,” he says, “at a place like Twitter, they were all working for Trump this whole year even though they thought they were working for Sanders.”