How to build your own video chat app

Or how launching Icecomm on Hacker News created the most curious chat roulette ever

Alex Zai

Github: azai91

Quora:  Alex-Zai-1

Tony Rizko

Twitter: @tonyrizko

Github: trizko

Will Sentance

CTO at

Twitter: @willsentance

Github: willsen

4. Some side projects and billion dollar ideas you can build with WebRTC

1. Launching Icecomm on Hacker News (or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

2. How to build your own video chat app [live coding]

3. How we built Icecomm with the MEAN stack

What is WebRTC?

P2P Video and data transfer

No plugins

But it's complex to set up

But it's worth it

So we created Icecomm


Empathetic Engineering

We launched at #2 on HN

What we didn't expect

“JSFiddle is the new chatroulette!”

“JSFiddle confirmed my preconceptions of the demographics of Hacker News”



Now people are building awesome things like Virtual Karl

And CodeFriends

4. Some side projects and billion dollar ideas you can build with WebRTC

1. Launching Icecomm on Hacker News (or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

2. How to build your own video chat app [live coding]

3. How we built Icecomm with the MEAN stack

How to build your own (less risque) chat roulette

Initial project setup

Simple Node/Express server


Adding Icecomm

Get your API key at

Connect to a room

You can choose any name

Get your local video stream

On the event 'local' that fires when you click to approve your video camera

Add your friend's stream

Listen for another client's connection 

Clean up videos

Listen for another client's disconnect event and remove their video stream


4. Some side projects and billion dollar ideas you can build with WebRTC

1. Launching Icecomm on Hacker News (or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

2. How to build your own video chat app [live coding]

3. How we built Icecomm with the MEAN stack

How we build

API: Node, Express, Redis

CDN file: vanilla javascript (plus sockets)

Marketing site: Full MEAN

E-commerce SDK (more on this later): Full MEAN (CDN file again vanilla javascript)

4. Some side projects and billion dollar ideas you can build with WebRTC

1. Launching Icecomm on Hacker News (or how we created the most curious Chat Roulette ever)

2. How to build your own video chat app [live coding]

3. How we built Icecomm with the MEAN stack

What to build into your existing apps


  • Chat support (without plugins)

Marketplace apps

  • Chat between clients for pitching/meeting


  • One-to-many streaming

Multiple applications

  • Reduce server load with P2P


Side Projects

5 mins - List your names and your priorities for the side project

5 mins - List your ideas 

5 mins - Rank your ideas

5 mins - exchange details and prepare to build!

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