Wojciech Odrobina Longford - The Importance Of Urban Design

Seeking to meet the needs of urban communities or societies, urban design takes place within a collective benefit consideration.

Urban design is very important at the moment because it directly and indirectly influences many factors for a city including its development, the architect Wojciech Odrobina tells us 4 reasons why it is very important that a city has urban design and planning.

Cities that have a vision about urban design, use it to achieve Development in an aesthetic and orderly manner, anticipating the needs of citizens, in order to improve habitability, prosperity and equity.


2-Urban form
It is very important to know the type of land, public spaces, infrastructure designs and services that can make a difference in the delivery of quality of life at a fair price.
Always covering the main concerns of urban dwellers such as accessibility and security for their family.

3-Business opportunity
The space that everyone shares requires planning, maintenance and providing various services to people. This represents a business opportunity for construction companies, architects, engineers, urban planners and other visual creatives, who work in coordination with the public administration in general, to provide harmony in all spaces.


It is important to highlight that despite the architectural innovation, the roots of the city must be maintained in terms of the historical context it has, intervening in the preservation of different spaces including houses and buildings with old buildings that count as historical heritage.

The public space is always in transformation, either by aesthetics or by covering new needs of the inhabitants, it is recommended that it is always carried out by an urban design professional so that the changes have grounds with cause and intelligent planning, always respecting the original structures that deserve to be preserved.

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