WordPress 5.2

What does it mean for everyone?

WordPress 5.2


Named after Jaco Pastorius 


Released May 7 2019

(You've probably been prompted to upgrade)

2 Major Features

  • 🌡 Site Health Check
  • 💥 PHP Error protection

Site Health

How's your setup?

  • Quick Checks for common issues
  • Notifications about nest practice
  • Suggestions for improvement
  • Extendable too, for plugins and themes!


These are suggestions, not absolutes

100% !== Best Website

PHP Error Protection

No more white screen!

.....mostly, maybe, ymmv

Recovery Mode

  • Deactivates necessary themes and plugins
  • Can Alert and administrator
  • Aims to allow access rather than shutting you out
  • Hopefully no more "ftp to change the plugin"

Requires PHP 5.6+

Make sure to check!

🎉🎊🎉 Devs quietly rejoice in the background.. 🎉🎊🎉

A Quick Demo


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