Saturn was named for the ancient roman god of agriculture.
Saturn had 2 consorts of sorts (heh). His first wife was named Ops, who represented wealth, abundance, and resources. His second one, was Lua. She represented essentially destruction. They would change the outcome of the harvest, or so the stories go.
- Saturn is the 6th closest planet to the sun
- Saturn is only 1/8th the average density of the earth, but is 95 times more massive.
- 1 day is 10 hours and 33 minutes
- 1 Saturn year is 29 and 1/2 Earth years.
- Saturn's gravity = 10.44m/s^2
- 62 moons w/ formal designations, and numerous other satellites, making up the rings around saturn.
- Saturn's astronomical symbol represents Saturn's sickle.
- Saturn's moon Enceladus has geysers that shoot hundreds of miles into space.
How humans would fare