writing features
"the gallery will respond to swipes as well as navigational buttons"
"after the tenth paragraph there will be a break and a full bleed image will be revealed"
writing interactive features
Code is written in conditions (if/then),
it’s good to think of your description in psudeocode:
“if this element moves in to the browser window
then it’s opacity increases”
"if the user clicks the hide caption button
then the caption is hidden
and the icon changes to reflect it's closed state"
writing responsive features
“if the screen is small
then the caption will sit below the image
otherwise the caption will rest over the image, anchored to the bottom”
"if the screen is small the image will be 100% width,
if the screen is a medium size it will be 50% width,
if the screen is large it will be 25% width"
...for different screen sizes (small, medium, and large is a good start)
...for progressive enhancement