My developer trip in
Central Working
- Coworking place
- Startups Hub
- Developers Café
- Place for many events
- Companies give talks
Innovation Warehouse
- Coworking place
- Startups Hub
- Place for many events
- Companies give talks
- International contest
- All the big cities in the world
- Business, Developers, Designers
- Many investors & sponsors
Create the best
startup idea !
Yahoo! Hack
- Contest in different countries
- Just developers :-)
- Interesting talks (PayPal, Firefox OS, Mojito, etc.)
- So many food
Create the best
mashup idea !
Me during the Yahoo! Hack
London in short
- Very dynamic city (Tech isn't just in California anymore)
- Full of startups
- Many opportunities
- Never get bored
- Lot of meetups, hacks, events
What do you
wait to go ?
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