Bluemix DAY LONG event
March 10 (tomorrow)
HackVictoria Weekend
March 12/13
Mar 19
Welcome Heather and Erin!
consists of a server, an application, and a database
typically if you enter data into a website and it can be retrieved when you login, there is some kind of "back-end" application/data management system involved!
But wait... there are more APIs available for squirting data around all the time, and different plumbing to get it! (stay tuned)
body {
background-color: #d0e4fe;
h1 {
color: orange;
text-align: center;
function myFunction(selection) {
if (selection === 1)
<p onclick="myFunction(1)"><a href="#!">First Option</a></p>
<p onclick="myFunction(2)"><a href="#!">Second Option</a></p>
Don't try to sip from a FIRE HOSE!!!!
Grab one or two (forums!) that looks somewhat familiar,
what is going on there??
realtime requests... T.O.!
make sense of them...