to the OPENING night of
12? 4? 8? :)
weeks of fun and excitement!
The problem...
The solution...
we all work together!
The opportunity...
to build something AWESOME!
introduce yourself to someone who is enrolled in:
determine why each of them are here!
coming together!
province, ivory tower, community, city, startups (YAY Fort Tectoria!)...
Part 1: Deconstructing Digital Marketing
Part 2:
Building Web Apps
Part 3: Data Management and Visualization
CSC 101: Untangling the Web by Analyzing and Architecting Digital Solutions
1: make sure we cover any missing details/questions
2: mind mapping the landscape of the Web!
3: practices and tools tools tools! the what and the how...
what is in the tool box?
development practices, tools and technologies used in today's Web-based applications in three phases:
what is in the tool box?
what is in the tool box?
what is in the tool box?
Some of our first tools!
what is in the tool box?
This will be due next week (101ers!), to create this landscape image!
Deep Thoughts! Sketch a MindMap?!
what is in the tool box?
Changing gears a little...
What REALLY happens with that Google search page?
How many different computers are involved?
Where are they?
Are you anonymous?
What if you type this into your browser?
filetype:xls site:ru login
Let's investigate... (
Deep Thoughts! Sketch a MindMap?!
what is in the tool box?
just to get some ideas, check these out!
what is in the tool box?