Tourette Syndrome

Group 11

110611152 包利安

111550172 游承曦

111511084 李東勳


Tourette Syndrome is a condition of nervous system causes people to have "tics".

  • motor tics, e.g. sudden twitchs
  • vocal tics, e.g. throat-clearing sounds


People with tics cannot stop their body from doing these things, or uncontrollable.

> video

Accomapanied with

  • Symptoms fluctuate between good and bad
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD


  • Imbalance of dopamine(多巴胺) and serotonin(血清素) secretion
  • Possibly inherited
  • No exact reason

Common Treatment

When affecting daily life and

interpersonal relationships

Drug Therapy

A various of antipsychotic drugs are commonly used in drug treatment.

However, there are some side effects:

  • vomiting (嘔吐), constipation (便祕)
  • hypersomnia (嗜睡)
  • weight gain
  • long-term use decreases drug's effect

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

  • habit-reversal training
  • competing-response training

"Avoid asking or expecting children to stop tics in case it get twitch rebound".

The syndrome cannot be

 completely cured


Research showed that when giving electrical signal to the specific region of the basal ganglia (基底核),

the number of tics would moderately reduce,

which meant the nerves are associated with motor control.

The tics is an underactivity (不活躍) in brainwaves that normally keep us still. 





Deep Brain Stimulation

A type of brain surgery.

It implants wires into specific locations in the brain and uses electrical stimulation from a brain pacemaker (腦部節律器) to regulate abnormal brain activity messages.


We designed a bracelet applies an electrical current  to the wrist, the current then travels up the nerves to the brain and change brainwaves.


The current is mild with a specific frequency. It is noticeable but not uncomfortable. The current then induces oscillations at the same frequency in the neighbouring motor cortex (運動皮層).

  • Solar cells
  • Frequency changer


  • Solar cells
  • Frequency changer



  • Improvement in symptoms is difficult when using medication or behavioral therapy.
  • DBS improved tic severity by nearly half in 171 patients with uncontrolled Tourette symptoms in ten countries.
  • Find the proper oscillation for every patient might need different electronic configuration in the design of the circuit since developing a sensor with the ability to get the need in every patient would result really difficult.
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