Detecting contextual anomalies in the time series
The anomalies are the individual instances of the time series which are anomalous in a specific context, but not otherwise.
Problem Setting (cont.)
Detecting anomalous subsequence within a given series
Find an anomalous subsequence with respect to a given long sequence (time series).
Problem Setting (cont.)
Detecting anomalous time series base on a time series data base
Determine if a test time series is anomalous with respect to a database of training time series.
This database can be of two types.
Only normal time series
semi-supervised setting
Bothnormal and anomalous data
unsupervised anomaly detection
Many ways in which an anomaly occurring in a time series may be defined.
For detecting anomalous subsequences, the exact length of the subsequence is often unknown.
The training and test time series can be of different lengths.
Best similarity/distance measures which can be used for different types of time series is not easy to determine.
Challenges (cont.)
Performances of many anomaly detection algorithms are highly susceptible to noise in the time series data, since it is hard to differentiating anomalies from noise.
Time series in real applications are usually long and as the length increases the computational complexity also increases.
Many anomaly detection algorithms expect multiple time series to be at a comparable scale in magnitude while for most of the data it is not true.
Types of Time Series
Types of Time Series
In most of the techniques in this survey
Training datato learn a model for normal behavior
Test data is assigned an anomaly score based on the model.
Two key characteristics of time series
Types of Time Series (cont.)
Periodic and Synchronous
Types of Time Series (cont.)
Aperiodic and Synchronous
Types of Time Series (cont.)
Periodic and Asynchronous
Types of Time Series (cont.)
Aperiodic and Asynchronous
Existing Techniques
Anomaly detection techniques can be classified
Procedural dimension
the process of finding anomalies
Transformation dimension
the data is transformed prior to anomaly detection.
Both these dimensions are orthogonal.
Overview (cont.)
Window-basedand similarity-based methods
Build a lazy learning model which compares the test time series with the given training time series for assigning anomaly scores.
HMM-basedand Regression-basedmethods
Build parametric models on the training data which probabilistically assign anomaly scores to a test time series.
Build a finite state automaton on the given training data and predict the state of the test time series.
Overview (cont.)
Aggregation-based transformation
Focus on dimensionality reduction by aggregating consecutive values.
Discretization-based and Signal-processing-basedtransformations
Reduce the dimensionality of the data in different ways and transform the input data into a different domain which can be used to obtain computational efficiency.
Transformation of Data
Exist many challenges associated with handling time series.
high-dimensionality, noise, scaling etc.
To achieve computational efficiency.
Before Start
Many anomaly detection algorithms expect multiple time series to be at a comparable scale.
Normalize the data Each attribute contributes uniformly for the similarity.
Compress a time series by replacing a set of consecutive values by a representative value of them.
usually use theaverage
deals with the time domain of the time series
reduces dimensionality of the data
the resulting time series is smoother
masks noise and missing values
Convert the given time series into a discrete sequence of finite alphabets.
deals with the amplitude domain of the time series
cause loss of information
Divide the amplitude range into different bins
Assign a symbol to each of the bin
Transform the time series by replacing every data point
Discretization (cont.)
The time series amplitude (0-3) is divided into 3 equal sized bins and assigned a, b, c.
The symbolic representation would be bbccabaacc
Signal Processing
Like Fourier transforms, wavelet transforms help to obtain this entirely different space of coefficients where the data can be analyzed
used to get a lower dimensional representation of time series
Haar Transform
A sequence of averaging and differencing operations on the consecutive values of a discrete time function.
Preserves the Euclidean distance between two time series.
Detection Techniques
The process of anomaly detection
Compute the anomaly scores of individual observations or subsequences of a given test time series using a detection technique.
Aggregate these anomaly scores to calculate the anomaly score of the given test time series.
mean of all the anomaly scores
mean of top k anomaly scores
mean of log of anomaly scores
number of times the running average of the anomaly scores exceeds a threshold
Divide the given time series into fixed size windows (subsequences) to localize the cause of anomaly within one or more windows.
An anomaly can be caused due to the presence of one or more anomalous subsequences.
The pairwise proximity between the test and training time series using an appropriate distance or similarity kernel to compute the anomaly score of the test time series.
The anomalous time series are different from the normal ones.