A Decision Network Design for Efficient Semantic Segmentation Computation in Edge Computing

School:National Tsing Hua University

Department: Computer Science

Student:張芸綺 Yun-Chi Chang

Advisor:李濬屹 Chun-Yi Lee


  • Motivation
  • Contirbution
  • Background & related work
  • Architecture
  • Experimental results
  • Conclusion


  • In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have become a popular research topic and are widely used in computer vision.
  • With the grow of Internet of Things (IoT), it is more and more important to apply DCNNs to edge-end embedded devices.


  • Model distillation is often apply on classification issue, however semantic segmentation, which requires performing dense pixel-level predictions is hard to compress the model.
  • The limitation of computational capabilities and power makes it hard to apply DCNN on edge-end devices.

input image






  • We observed that there are some cases a simpler model can also do excellent works.

Input image

Ground truth




  • And some get better prediction on a complicated (deeper) model.

Input image

Ground truth




Is input image well-performed?



  • We are aiming to train a network that classifies the input images into two categories, one for the remote, very deep model and the other for the local, lighter model.

Edge-end devices


Small network on edge-end devices

Large network on remote server       


  • We design a Decision Network and Control Unit to predict how well the prediction of an input image will be.
  • We could save overall 16.34% computation load with only 2.97% accuracy drop.
  • Our Decision Network could dynamically distribute computation load base on the condition of the edge-end device.

Background & related work 

  • Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
  • DCNN on image recognition
    • VGGNet
    • ResNet
  • DCNN on object detection
    • RCNN
    • Fast-RCNN
    • Faster-RCNN
  • Semantic segmentation
    • FCN
    • DeepLab
  • Knowledge distillation

Background & related work 

  • Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
  • DCNN on image recognition
    • VGGNet
    • ResNet
  • DCNN on object detection
    • RCNN
    • Fast-RCNN
    • Faster-RCNN
  • Semantic segmentation
    • FCN
    • DeepLab
  • Knowledge distillation

Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)

  • Deep convolution neural network (DCNN) is now a popular topic and widely used in many fields like image recognition and object detection.
  • DCNN does an excellent work on extracting features of images.

Image recognition

Object detection

Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)

  • It is build with many convolutional layers, activation functions and pooling layers.

Background & related work 

  • Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
  • DCNN on image recognition
    • VGGNet
    • ResNet
  • DCNN on object detection
    • RCNN
    • Fast-RCNN
    • Faster-RCNN
  • Semantic segmentation
    • FCN
    • DeepLab
  • Knowledge distillation

DCNN on Image Recognition

  • Numbers of researches on image recognition are designed base on a very deep CNN.
  • VGGNet is one of representative work,  which consist of 5 convolutional groups, and 3 FC layers.

DCNN on Image Recognition

  • ResNet is one of the outstanding works on image recognition, it is build by blocks that could be flexibly extended.

Background & related work 

  • Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
  • DCNN on image recognition
    • VGGNet
    • ResNet
  • DCNN on object detection
    • RCNN
    • Fast-RCNN
    • Faster-RCNN
  • Semantic segmentation
    • FCN
    • DeepLab
  • Knowledge distillation

DCNN on object detection

  • There are two main methods for detecting objects: bounding box and semantic segmentation.
  • Bounding box method predicts the location and the borders of objects using boxes.

Bounding Box

DCNN on object detection

  • Semantic segmentation mask out the objects using pixel-wise prediction.

Semantic Segmentation

Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (R-CNN)

  • Use selective selection to extract over 2,000 region proposals. (slow)
  • Each region proposal computes CNN.
  • Many region proposals are overlapping, therefore RCNN is not efficient.
  • Drawbacks: slow and inefficient
  • Fast-RCNN extracts features of region proposals after the whole image goes through CNN.
  • A common CNN is used for feature extraction.
  • Drawback: Region proposal extraction is still time-consuming

RCNN                              Fast-RCNN

Fast R-CNN


  • Faster-RCNN use Region Proposal Network (RPN) to predict region proposals instead of selective search.

Background & related work 

  • Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
  • DCNN on image recognition
    • VGGNet
    • ResNet
  • DCNN on object detection
    • RCNN
    • Fast-RCNN
    • Faster-RCNN
  • Semantic segmentation
    • FCN
    • DeepLab
  • Knowledge distillation

Semantic Segmentation

  • Semantic segmentation methods are expected to output pixel-wise prediction, so that the resolution of the output feature maps becomes very important.

Semantic Segmentation

  • There are lots of methods focusing on keeping the high resolution of features.
    • multi-scale inputs
    • skip-architecture
    • atrous convolution
  • We often use mIoU to measure the accuracy of our segmentation prediction.
  • The mIoU is defined as mean of IoUs.
IoU\ =\ \frac{O}{U}
IoU = OUIoU\ =\ \frac{O}{U}
O: O:\
U: U:\

Union of the prediction and the ground truth

Overlap of the prediction and the ground truth

Semantic Segmentation

mIoU\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{N}
mIoU = IoUNmIoU\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{N}

: Number of objects in the data set.

  • We often use mIoU to measure the accuracy of our segmentation prediction.
  • The mIoU is defined as mean of IoUs.
IoU\ =\ \frac{O}{U}
IoU = OUIoU\ =\ \frac{O}{U}
O: O:\
U: U:\

Union of the prediction and the ground truth

Overlap of the prediction and the ground truth

Semantic Segmentation

mIoU\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{N}
mIoU = IoUNmIoU\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{N}

: Number of objects in the data set.

  • FCN replaced all fully-connected layers by convolutional layers and accept arbitrary-sized input.


  • Skip-architecture
    • Early layers contain higher resolution features which preserve more localization information.
    • Ending layers in the deep path contain more context information.




  • FCN-AlexNet
    • lightest semantic segmentation model
    • we fine-tune it in our work
    • mIoU is only 39.8%



  • DeepLab-v2 claims an excellent result on semantic segmentation.
  • Atrous convolution is applied.


  • Replace pooling layer and keep the resolusion.
  • No extra overhead (weight) is needed for the atrous convolution 


  • Replace pooling layer and keep the resolusion.
  • No extra overhead (weight) is needed for the atrous convolution 


DeepLab-v3 add an image pooling layer in ASPP.

  • Replace pooling layer and keep the resolusion.
  • No extra overhead (weight) is needed for the atrous convolution 

Background & related work 

  • Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)
  • DCNN on classification
    • VGGNet
    • ResNet
  • DCNN on object detection
    • RCNN
    • Fast-RCNN
    • Faster-RCNN
  • Semantic segmentation
    • FCN
    • DeepLab
  • Knowledge distillation

Knowledge distillation

  • The main concept is training a smaller model "student" to imitate the behavior of the original model "teacher".
  • The teacher provides its prediction as the label for the student model so the student gets more information.

Knowledge distillation

  • Most model distillation works only deal with classification problems.
  • It is due to the requirement for much more high-dimensional information from an image to perform dense predictions at pixel level.


  • Architecture Introduction
  • Decision Network
    • Architecture
    • Base Network
    • SPP Layer
    • IoU prediction
    • Training Methodology
  • The Control Unit

Architecture Introduction

The architecture of our work contains four parts:

  • Decision Network
  • Control Unit
  • Small Network
  • Large Network
  • Our Decision Network:
    • It is trained for predicting the IoU of each class.
  • The Control Unit: 
    • Assign some well-performed images to the remote server and adjust the computation load of the local device.

Architecture Introduction

  • The small network evaluate images at the embedded end.
  • Reduce computation at the edge-end and get a close result to the large network's.

Architecture Introduction

DeepLab-VGGNet (mIoU=69%)

DeepLab-ResNet-101 (mIoU=81%)

  • The large network runs at the server end

Our Goal




  • Architecture Introduction
  • Decision Network
    • Architecture
    • Base Network
    • SPP Layer
    • IoU prediction
    • Training Methodology
  • The Control Unit

Decision Network - Architecture

The Decision Network contains:

  • Base network
  • SPP layer
  • Two shared fully-connected layer with 1,024 and 21 channels
  • ​One small 21-channel-fully-connected layer for each class

(feature extraction)

Decision Network - Base Network

  • We use pre-trained FCN-AlexNet as the base feature extraction network of Decision-Network-AlexNet.

  • We fixed the parameters of the base network during training to keep the ability of feature extraction. 

Decision Network - Base Network

  • We also trained another base network FCN-ResNet-18 for Decision-Network-ResNet-18, which is a combination of the skip-architecture and ResNet-18.
  • Our FCN-ResNet-18 reaches an mIoU of 60.27% on VOC 2012 validation set, which is 20.47% higher than FCN-AlexNet (39.8%).

The Decision Network contains:

  • Base network
  • SPP layer
  • Two shared fully-connected layer with 1,024 and 21 channels
  • ​One small 21-channel-fully-connected layer for each class

Decision Network - SPP Layer

(feature extraction)

  • To keep the whole view of the image, we have to make sure the network is flexible and accepts arbitrary-sized input.

Decision Network - SPP Layer

  • To keep the whole view of the image, we have to make sure the network is flexible and accepts arbitrary-sized input.

  • We add a two-layer-tall spacial pyramid pooling layer (SPP) after the fixed base network to fit the fixed-length vector from different size of feature map.  

Decision Network - SPP Layer

The mIoU is defined as:

mIoU\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{N}
mIoU = IoUNmIoU\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{N}

Decision Network - IoU Prediction

We define IoU_img to estimate our accuracy on an image:

IoU\_img\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{C}
IoU_img = IoUCIoU\_img\ =\ \frac{\sum{IoU}}{C}

: Number of classes contained in an image


: Number of objects in the data set.


Decision Network - IoU Prediction

  • We use DeepLab-VGGNet to generate the ground truth vector of each class IoU.

0 0 0.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0.95 0 0 0.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

IoU_img = 0.95 / 1 = 0.95

IoU_img = (0.95 + 0.98) / 2

                = 0.965

  • well-performed image is defined as IoU_img > 0.7
  • The distribution of IoU_img is concentrate to more than 70%.
  • The distribution of each class IoU is well-distributed in non-zero cases.

Decision Network - IoU Prediction

Image number

Image number

Decision Network - IoU Prediction

  • The distribution of IoU_img is concentrate to more than 70%.
  • The distribution of each class IoU is well-distributed in non-zero cases.

Image number

Image number

Decision Network - IoU Prediction

  •  The higher score we get, the higher chance will the image be well-performed on the small network.
  • The prediction IoU of each class is bounded to [0,1].
  • ground truth people IoU: 0.9548
  • predicted people IoU:  0.9677

Decision Network - Training Methodology

  • For training strategy, we use "poly" learning rate (lr) policy mentioned in DeepLab.
lr_{poly} = lr_{base}\times(1-\frac{iter}{max\_iter})^{power}
lrpoly=lrbase×(1itermax_iter)powerlr_{poly} = lr_{base}\times(1-\frac{iter}{max\_iter})^{power}
  • We set                      = 60,000,             = 0.001, and                         = 0.9 with batch size of 20 images.


  • Architecture Introduction
  • Decision Network
    • Architecture
    • Base Network
    • SPP Layer
    • IoU prediction
    • Training Methodology
  • The Control Unit

Decision Network - The Control Unit

  • The Control Unit (CU) will decide whether an image is well-performed by checking if there are one or more class IoU is greater than the threshold.
  • The threshold could be dynamically changed based on the condition of the edge-end device (battery, computation load, etc.).


Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

Experimental setup

  • PASCAL VOC2012
  • 10,852 labeled images
  • 20 classes
  • DeepLab-VGGNet as the small network
  • DeepLab-ResNet-101 as the large network

Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

Evaluation Criteria

precision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}
precision =tptp+fpprecision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}

To evaluate our decision network, we calculate :


true positive

false positive

  • ground truth IoU_img: 0.9548
  • predicted as well-performed image
  • ground truth IoU_img: 0.5646
  • predicted as well-performed image

Evaluation Criteria

To evaluate our decision network, we calculate :

precision_{gt}\ = \frac{tp_{gt}}{total_{gt}}
precisiongt =tpgttotalgtprecision_{gt}\ = \frac{tp_{gt}}{total_{gt}}
precision_{lt}\ = \frac{tn_{lt}}{total_{lt}}
precisionlt =tnlttotalltprecision_{lt}\ = \frac{tn_{lt}}{total_{lt}}

true positive/ total images in the subset of images with IoU_img                      .

true negative/ total images in the subset of images with IoU_img                      .

\geq threshold
threshold \geq threshold
\lt threshold
<threshold \lt threshold

Evaluation Criteria

precision_{gt}\ = \frac{tp_{gt}}{total_{gt}}
precisiongt =tpgttotalgtprecision_{gt}\ = \frac{tp_{gt}}{total_{gt}}
precision_{lt}\ = \frac{tn_{lt}}{total_{lt}}
precisionlt =tnlttotalltprecision_{lt}\ = \frac{tn_{lt}}{total_{lt}}
precision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}
precision =tptp+fpprecision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}

Evaluation Criteria

  • The higher precision we get, the lower                        is.
precision_{gt}\ = \frac{tp_{gt}}{total_{gt}}
precisiongt =tpgttotalgtprecision_{gt}\ = \frac{tp_{gt}}{total_{gt}}
precision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}
precision =tptp+fpprecision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}

Evaluation Criteria

  • But the higher precision we get, the higher                       is.
precision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}
precision =tptp+fpprecision\ = \frac{tp}{tp+fp}
precision_{lt}\ = \frac{tn_{lt}}{total_{lt}}
precisionlt =tnlttotalltprecision_{lt}\ = \frac{tn_{lt}}{total_{lt}}

Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

Experiments on Decision Network

  • DeepLab-ResNet-101
    • mIoU=81.8%
    • 345G FLOPs
  • DeepLab-VGGNet
    • 202G FLOPs (60% of DeepLab-ResNet-101's)
    • mIoU=69%.
  • Our work (Decision-Network-AlexNet) reaches
    • mIoU at most 78.42%
    • at least 259G FLOPs is needed 

Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

Computation Reduction

Overall computation reduction (Decision-Network-AlexNet)

  • The total reduction gets lower when the threshold increases. 

Computation Reduction

Edge-end computation reduction (Decision-Network-AlexNet)

  • The reduction on edge-end gets higher when the threshold increases. 

Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

Decision Network Variants

  • Total computation reduction (Decision-Network-ResNet-18)
    • 16.17% computation of Decision-Network-AlexNet
    • 9.58% higher computation reduction in average than Decision-Network-AlexNet.

Decision Network Variants

  • It is proved that we could replace our base network as any feature extracting based network.

Experimental Results

  • Experimental Setup
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Experiments on Decision Network
  • Computation Reduction
  • Decision Network Variants
  • The Control Unit

The Control Unit




  • We could dynamically change our threshold to tune the computational work load on the edge-end.
  • The base network can be replaced by any other feature extracting network.
  • We could save at most 56.05% computation on the edge-end with only 8.04% mIoU drop.
  • On average, 25.09% total computation is saved with Decision-Network-ResNet-18.
  • The mIoU reaches 78.8% in our work with only 3% less than the large network DeepLab-ResNet-101.
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