Ansible Paris Meetup, 28 Mars 2017
Software Engineer
Automation enthusiast
aka yurilz
Paging a human is a quite expensive use of an engineer's time
"If you can't monitor a service, you don't know what's happening, and if you're blind to what's happening, you can't be reliable" SRE, Google
Avoid "the someone" to stare at a screen to watch for problems
Zabbix is an open source distributed monitoring software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers.
Ansible is a radically simple open source IT automation engine that automates ... ALL THE THINGS
[ : Edited]
Zabbix Ansible Like
- copy:
src: "{{ zabbix_local_proxy_rpm }}" ...
- { role: geerlingguy.mysql }
- { role: amine.zabbalike-Installproxy }
- name: Link the Zabbix proxy to the Core
module: zabbix_proxy