4 Stage pipeline
Design mostly according the handouts
Some problem need to deal with
Memory and Register Read need one more cycle
Synthesis library don't provide preload
Connect the memory address with previous stage
When the posedge clock trigger, can get right data without another cycle
The register read don't need another clk, so just care the WB stage
In order to put the memory in risc, testbench will load memory first
The other signal loading to determinate the memory is loaded by testbench or instruction
If the DOF stage need EX stage register, need forwarding
Use comp module to determinate select whether need take the forwarding data
WB stage may implement forwarding to reduce the cycle time. However, no time to implement
If branch happened, need flush
Because the memory problem, flush need delay a cycle
Fully 4 stages pipeline (normal)
Forwarding instead of memory stall to deal with hazard (normal)
Branch prediction (normal)
with verilog(nightmare)
Synthesis with memory (epic)
Compile flag of design_vision (normal)
The 1, 2, 3 correctness is correct
The other testcase only check the synthesis v.s RTL result
Generate Random testcase
2048 random data
2048 random valid instruction
clock period 10
Area reduce 25%
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