Command Line

Linux Commands


A screen window that gives you access to the command-line interface.

(e.g. LXTerminal)

Command-line Interface (CLI)

Allows you to communicate with a computer using text commands.

Graphical LXTerminal

Graphical LXTerminal

Graphical LXTerminal

Graphical LXTerminal


Username that you used to log in.

Graphical LXTerminal



Hostname of your device,

can be identified on a network.

Graphical LXTerminal



The current directory,

represented by the  ~  (tilde) symbol.

This is a referal to your home directory: /home/pi


Graphical LXTerminal



The prompt to enter a text command,

represented by the  $  symbol.



Directories = Folders

commands Description
cat Displays the contents (catalog) of the text file.
cd Change directory.  For example, the command cd Desktop  moves you into the Desktop directory.
cd .. Moves you up the directory tree to the parent directory.
cp Makes another copy of the file.
clear Allows you to clear the terminal.
date Displays the time and date.
ls Displays a list of files and folders in the current directory.
ls -l Provides a list that includes more detail about the files.  
The -l parameter is a lowercase L (for long), not the numeral 1.
man Displays the manual or description file for the command.
mv Moves a file to a new location.
mkdir Makes a new directory.
nano Opens the nano text editor.  
To open a specific text file, add the file name;  for example, nano hello opens the hello text file.
pwd Prints the working directory (shows in which directory you are currently working in).
rm abc Deletes (removes) the file named abc.
rmdir Deletes (removes) a directory.
startx Launches the Raspbian desktop interface (GUI).
Command Description
sudo Gives the user root or super user permissions.
sudo apt-get install abc Tells the Raspberry Pi to use the Internet to find, download, and install the application called abc.
sudo apt-get update Downloads information about any new versions available for applications on your Raspberry Pi.
sudo apt-get upgrade Installs available upgrades for all applications on your Raspberry Pi.
sudo shutdown -h now Shuts down (halts) the power to the Raspberry Pi.
sudo shutdown -r now Shuts down the power to the Raspberry Pi and then restarts it.


  • Learn the Command Line


  • Conquer the Command Line

The MagPi Essensials eBook


  • Command Line Crash Course

by Zed Shaw



print working directory


list content of directory


change directory

cd ~

return to home directory


make a new directory


create and edit a file


create a new empty file


remove (delete) an empty directory


copy a file


move a file


view content of a file

Managing Files and Directories


Type the following commands into the LXTerminal window.  Explain each step:

  • pwd
  • cd to desktop
  • ls
  • touch hello
  • leafpad hello
  • rm hello
  • cd ..

Managing Files and Directories


Type the following commands into the LXTerminal window.  Explain each step:

  • pwd [ print working directory ]
  • cd Desktop [ change directory to Desktop ]
  • ls [ listing what is in current directory ]
  • touch hello [ create a file called hello ]
  • leafpad hello [ opens file hello in text editor leafpad ]
  • rm hello [ removes file hello ]
  • cd ..  [ changes directory back up ]

Editing Files using nano text editor


Create and edit a text file in the LXTerminal window:

  • create a text file on the desktop.
  • edit the text file in the text editor.
  • exit text editor.
  • check if text file is listed in chosen directory.

Create, Edit, and Move Files and Folders


In the LXTerminal window:

  • create a directory called PiFu in your pi directory.
  • create 2 new directories (a and b) in your PiFu directory.
  • create 2 files (one and two) in first directory (a).
  • edit files using nano.
  • create 1 directory (f) in first directory (a).
  • create 1 file in directory (f).
  • create 3 files (three, four and five) in second directory (b).
  • edit files using nano.
  • move file (one) from directory (a) to directory (b).
  • move file (four) from directory (b) to directory (a).
  • move directory (f) to your pi directory.
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