Miles Rausch
This is a live streamed presentation. You will automatically follow the presenter and see the slide they're currently on.
by Miles Rausch
(cc) littledebbie11
(cc) nogood
Twitter Lite (case study)
Forbes (case study)
(cc) mjmonty
(cc) jeepersmedia
(cc) missrogue
(cc) davidmould
(cc) catchesthelight
(cc) justin_case
(cc) joseluisbriz
ServiceWorker serves from cache.
Useful for...
ServiceWorker passes request to network.
Useful for...
ServiceWorker tries cache and uses the network if needed.
Useful for...
ServiceWorker tries the network and uses cache if needed.
Useful for...
ServiceWorker displays the cached request but also calls the network. If the network succeeds, the cache is updated and so is the page.
Useful for...
Simple ColdBox marketing website.
We want to turn it into a PWA.
master - original marketing website
pwa-1 - caching our resources
pwa-2 - caching external resources
pwa-3 - add manifest, Lighthouse
pwa-4 - send messages to Service Worker
Chrome Dev Tools
WorkboxJS: https://workboxjs.org/
PWA Builder: https://www.pwabuilder.com/
Starting at 6 PM
At the Capitol City Brewing Company in Downtown DC
Join the Lucee members for beer and conversation!