Created by BBC UX&D Accessibility Team
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300+ exhibitors, ranging from local services to the latest assistive technology advances.
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A wearable, 4 Braille cell, smart device.
A wearable controller for using with connected smart devices. One hand, any surface, quick to learn.
Cutlery that adapts to counter involuntary movement and impaired motor control.
Various exhibits were demonstrating printers that could add Braille and raised lines. Campus and town maps were a great use we saw demonstrated.
Ten BBC staff attended the conference this year, attending the Key Note on Tuesday evening, and various presentations, meetings and networking events throughout the week.
They each gave at least one presentation. It's great to have the BBC be an industry leader.
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“Impairment + Poor Environment = Disability.
Poor environment can be physical or attitude.” : Jamie Knight & Lion
From 'Cognitive Accessibility 103'. Links to this and other presentations on slide 2/3.
There are hundreds of presentations given during 23 sessions over 3 days. Here are our highlights from those we attended.
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“The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing, becomes as political an act as speaking out. There is no innocence. Either way, you're accountable.” : Arundhati Roy
From 'Side-stepping Abelist Language'. Links to this and other presentations on slide 6/1.
The remaining slides include links to articles or slide decks we are aware are available, including some we have previously referred to and other collations.
These are not endorsed in any way and are here for reference only.
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