Emma Pratt Richens
Digital Accessibility Specialist
Hardware advancements
Software advancements
Assistive technology
Educational power of games
HTML5 & Javascript canvas
Wider audience
Separate volume controls should be provided for background music, ambient sounds, narrative and editorially significant sound effects.
Narrative audio in games or interactive media should not talk over or conflict with native assistive technology.
Interactive media, including games, should be adjustable for user ability and preference.
Content must not visibly or intentionally flicker or flash more than three times in any one-second period.
Non-critical feedback or assistance should be provided when appropriate.
Interaction input control should be adaptable.
Audio and visual
- Alternatives for audio and visual content (combines
Subtitles, signing and audio description & Transcripts)
- Autoplay (now covers a broader meaning)
- Content resizing (replaces Zoom)
- Consistency
- Choice (separated from Consistency and choice)
- Actionable elements (now covers interactive content)
- Indicating language (now incorporates Changes in
- Instructions (moved from Notifications section)
- User interactions (replaces Touch events and now
covers interactive content)
- Alternative input methods (now covers interactive
- Labelling form controls (replaces Input labels)
- Form inputs (replaces Keyboard input types)
- Managing focus (moved from Focus section)
- Inclusive notifications (combines Changes of state and
Visual cues and audio alerts and now covers interactive
Scripts and Dynamic Content
- Progressive functionality (replaces Javascript
alternatives, and now covers interactive content)
- Controlling media (now covers interactive content)
- Grouped elements (now covers interactive content)
Text Equivalents
- Roles, traits and properties (renamed)
By Emma Pratt Richens
Presentation first given at CSUN ATC 2017, during which the updated guidelines were published.