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Gareth Grewcock (Sam Franklin - stand in)
We set out to take "standard workflows" for visualising marine Digital Terrain Model (DTMs) using proprietary software and replicate using FOSS
LR Survey & GeoEngineering
Topography (land)
Bathymetry - seabed
Receive latest bathymetry data from vessel daily
Onshore support for 24/7 vessel operations
Dredging Operations
Pipeline Burial
Receive bathymetry data from the vessel
Process for project status for data collection to date
Ungridded or scatter data requires either extrapolation or interpolation to fill areas of no-data.
490313 5718729 -36.239
490348 5718738 -36.282
490359 5718720 -36.315
490361 5718705 -36.337
490314 5718651 -36.361
490308 5718728 -36.334
490353 5718661 -36.331
490358 5718700 -36.333
490308 5718721 -36.363
490312 5718741 -36.386
490313 5718702 -36.433
3-column ungridded XYZ file
3-column gridded XYZ file types
XYZ without delete values
490300.00 5718650.00 -36.239
490301.00 5718650.00 -36.282
490302.00 5718650.00 -36.315
490303.00 5718650.00 -36.337
490304.00 5718650.00 -36.361
490305.00 5718650.00 -36.334
490306.00 5718650.00 -36.331
490307.00 5718650.00 -36.333
490308.00 5718650.00 -36.363
490309.00 5718650.00 -36.386
490310.00 5718650.00 -36.433
XYZ file format is consistent across surveys however, the spatial extent and file size differ depending on survey contractor and job
For example,
25km pipeline route XYZ deliverable:
1 x XYZ file @ >5GB
25 x XYZ files @ 200MB
Good visual results from proprietary solutions ...
There are numerous workflows which work with 'XYZ' data however, there are few which handle the gridded, "multi-block" hydrographic XYZ file format
Chance meeting @
we can build on top of GMT using core functionality from other FOSS tools and bring together into one end-to-end workflow
What we need:
A command line tool with the ability to handle gridded hydrographic XYZ file format
Combining the hillshade with colour relief
r.shade - Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map.
r.shaded.relief - Creates shaded relief map from an elevation map (DEM).
altitude= Altitude of the sun
azimuth=Azimuth of the sun
zmult=Exaggerate Z value
workflow fed by input CSV config file
input CSV config file pathway is added to python script
All input XYZ files must be the same cell size and EPSG ref
resample the raster to achieve smooth contours
slope enhanced composite relief
hillshade composite relief
xyz processor
"xyz processor"
"xyz processor"
Slope+Colour-relief only? Or Slope+Hillshade+colour-relief
BUT Matched output = achievement unlocked!
False-colour = subjective
Each XYZ is different and requires different hill-shading parameters to draw out features from the seabed
It is up to the geophysicists really !
'You will find that help will always
be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.'
Phase 1 Rollout internally, OSGeo4W + GMT
In progress/Testing
Phase 2 DTM Cheat Sheet
Phase 3 XYZ Processor Python (MIT licence)
Coming Soon (Gareth!)
Gareth Grewcock (Sam Franklin - stand in)