Konstantin Freybe, M.A.
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January 1st 2017 - December 31th 2019 (1st funding Phase)
Funded by:
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Conducted by:
University Library and Japanology Leipzig
Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies, MobyGames, [j]Games Initiative (Uni Leipzig), Natural Language Processing Group, Dep. of Computer Science (Uni Leipzig)
Leander Seige, Martin Roth, André Lahmann, Tracy Hoffmann, Florian Rämisch, Peter Mühleder, Konstantin Freybe
diggr's staff has background in various academic disciplines:
communication is of critical importance
Digitality refers to that set of relations which is realized today based on the infrastructure of digital networks in production, use and transformation of material and immaterial goods as well as in constituting and coordinating personal and collective social action. (Stalder 2016, p. 17-18)
(...) Culture will refer to all those processes in which social meaning – that is the normative dimension of existence -- is negotiated and realized explicitly or implicitly through singular and collective actions. Meaning does not only manifest itself in signs and symbols, but the practices that yield or are inspired by meaning condense themselves in artifacts, institutions and lifeworlds. (Stalder 2016, p.16)
Videogame Culture
set of specific practices
organisation, circulation and maintenance of knowledge
"Thirty years ago today, the original Metal Gear – Hideo Kojima's first game – hit the quirky Microsoft-backed MSX2, delivering stealth-based gameplay with a distinct geo-political flavor."
Rolling Stone (online, July 14, 2017):
Thirty Years of Metal Gear in One (Long) Picture. Hideo Kojima's first game turns 30
How is a games series sustained for three decades?
Hideo Kojima & Authorship in Videogame Culture
What is Kojima's 'role' in the context of these games? (research question)
Hypothesis: The Metal Gear-series is stabilzed by means of canonization.
Hideo Kojima & Authorship in Videogame Culture
Autocanonization (Freedman, 1987)
Field Research: Reconstructive Approach to Analyzing Gameplay
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes. (Konami 2014)
'Deja-Vu Mission'
Field Research: Reconstructive Approach to Analyzing Gameplay
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes. (Konami 2014)
'Deja-Vu Mission'
exploring methods:
'Research Let's Play'
Type-A Titles
Type-B Titles
observation: hidden titles (Easter Egg) differ in terms of player interaction
In the Deja-Vu Mission, the gameplay Environment differs from the main campaign. Titles are now placed on surfaces.
Another form of interaction: shine the UV-light on titles and some of them dissappear.
Type-A Titles
Type-B Titles
observation: titles differ in terms of player interaction
When player has found all type-A titles, a radio call plays, alleging of being a 'Fan of Hideo Kojima games' as well as a thank you spoken by Kojima himself.
observation: titles differ in terms of player interaction
Criteria of differentiation?
observation: titles differ in terms of player interaction
Criteria of differentiation?
Hypothesis: The Metal Gear-series is stabilzed by means of canonization.
"A Hideo Kojima Game"
Paraphrase: Person[Hideo Kojima] has Relation [Author/Producer/Creator] to Titles[Metal Gear]
communication is of critical importance: paraphrasing hypothesis into queries
query data sources (in this presentation: IGDB)
IDGB - Credits
IDGB - Credits
IDGB - Credits
Data Integration Tool: Karma
diggr-Query Serice:
pick up:
July 21, 9:00; Mendebrunnen in front of Gewandhaus
Download via diggr.link/esu2017
time & location:
9:15-10:45 a.m.; Campus Library - Meeting Room
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. PS4 v4.50. CUSA00211 [DD]. Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.: Konami Digital Entertainment BV, 20 March 2014. PSN v1.04 <https://store.playstation.com/#!/de-de/spiel/metal-gear-solid-v-ground-zeroes/cid=EP0101-CUSA00211_00-MAINGAME00000000>. [reference as sugested by Young (2016)]
Stalder, Felix: Kultur der Digitalität. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2016.
Freedman, Jonathan: Autocanonization. The Yale Journal of criticism, 1.1 (1987): 203-217.
Shaw, Adrienne: What Is Video Game Culture? Cultural Studies and Game Studies. Games and Culture, 5.4 (2010): 403 - 424.
Young, Chris J.: The Bibliographical Variants Between The Last of Us and The Last of Us Remastered. The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 110,4 (2016): 459-484.
Rolling Stone (online, July 14, 2017): Thirty Years of Metal Gear in One (Long) Picture. Hideo Kojima's first game turns 30;
The Internet Games Database: https://www.igdb.com/
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