From Complex Academic Projects to Primary Education
Benjamin E. Lind, Ph.D. (
Educational Support Staff
Anglo-American School of St. Petersburg
Data Stories, 23 January 2017
Center for Network Science, Central European University
In Brief
Be Mindful of the Audience
Two-Mode Network Portraying Ties between Musicians and Albums
September 15, 2012. 2-10pm.
September 21, 2012. 2-10pm.
Comparison of Geo-Tagged Twitter Users at a Protest Site.
No Protest
Lind and Stepan-Norris. 2011. AJS.
Why don't you just use a Poisson or negative binomial model?
It needs a map.
Lind and Stepan-Norris. 2011. AJS.
When can we get one of those 'network maps?'
I'm going to be honest, I just want to learn about networks to make the pictures.
Lind et al. 2008. IJEM.
Zeeman 1976:67 reproduced in Tufte 2001:50
Working Paper Series as "Pre-Publication" Guidance
How do students learn about the portrayal of quantitative information?
What level of literacy can we expect from general audiences?
Florida Teacher Certification Examinations/Florida Educational Leadership Examination
High School
Sixth Grade Science
Sixth Grade Science
Learning to Count
Learning to Count
Learning to Count
Seek Different Audiences for Inspiration
Image courtesy of Mariordo
Image courtesy of Imre Solt
Image courtesy of Leif Jørgensen