x <- 1 # Preference: primary method
x = 1 # Preference: within functions
1 -> x # Preference: never
Cheburashka <- "a cartoon character"
orig.folder <- getwd()
detach("package:igraph", unload=TRUE)
x <- NA
NA # Non-applicable, missing
NULL # Undefined or empty value
NaN # Not a Number
Inf # Infinite
is.character("HSE Network Workshop")
as.numeric("42") + 1
as.character(as.numeric("0") + 1)
as.character(as.logical(as.numeric("0") + 1))
as.character(is.logical(as.logical(as.numeric("0")) + 1))
RU.cit <- c("Mos", "StP", "Nov", "Yek") # Create vector RU.cit <- c(RU.cit, "Niz") # Add element RU.cit[3] # Retrieve element 3
RU.pops <- c(10.4, 4.6, 1.4, 1.3) # Create vector names(RU.pops) <- RU.cit[c(1, 2, 3, 4)] # Name vector RU.pops[c(4,2,3,1)] # Permute the order and retrieve length(RU.pops) # Retrieve the length
RU.vis <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) #Create vector RU.vis[-c(4, 2)] # Remove elements 4 and 2
all(1:5 == c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
all(1:5 == seq(from = 1, to = 5, by = 1))
rep(1, times = 5)
rep(NA, times = 4)
rep("Beetlejuice", times = 3)
RU.mat <- cbind(pop = RU.pops, vis = RU.vis)
rownames(RU.mat) <- RU.cit[c(1:4)]
RU.mat <- matrix( , nrow = length(RU.pops), ncol = 2)
colnames(RU.mat) <- c("pop", "vis")
rownames(RU.mat) <- names(RU.pops)
RU.mat[ , "pop"] <- RU.pops
RU.mat[ , "vis"] <- RU.vis
RU.mat[1, ]
RU.mat[ , "pop"]
RU.mat[1, 2]
RU.mat[1, , ] # What does the error mean?
RU.mat[ , "vis"]
RU.df <- as.data.frame(RU.mat)
RU.df$vis <- as.logical(RU.df$vis)
RU.df[2, "vis"]
RU.list <- list(RU.mat, RU.vis, RU.df)
names(RU.list) <- c("Mat", "Vec", "DF")
RU.list[["DF"]][2, "vis"]
RU.list[["DF"]][2, 2]
xTimesxMinus1 <- function(x)
return(x * (x-1))
InvHypSineTrans <- function(x){
x.ret <- log(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1))
plot(x = 0:1000, InvHypSineTrans(0:1000), main = "Hyperbolic Sine Transformation", xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
InvHypSineTrans.cmp <- cmpfun(InvHypSineTrans)
??"Chi Squared"
help.search("Chi Squared")
lab.seq <- seq(from = -100, to = 100, by = 20)
lab.mat <- sapply(lab.seq, rnorm, n = 100)
lab.means <- apply(lab.mat, 2, mean)
plot(x = lab.seq, y = lab.means)
test.val <- "It works!"
test.val2 <- paste(test.val, "Really")
wikidat <- read.table(file = "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=UVmTznBj", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, skip = 6)
# 'sep' is the separator
# 'header' indicates column names
# 'skip' are the number of initial rows to ignore
wikidat <- graph.data.frame(d = wikidat, directed = TRUE)
summary(wikidat) # Nodes: 7115; Edges: 103689
marvnet <- read.graph("http://bioinfo.uib.es/~joemiro/marvel/porgat.txt", format = "pajek")
firstdir <- getwd()
newdir <- paste(firstdir, "EIES_data", sep = "/")
download.file("https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/EIES_data.zip", "EIES_data.zip", method = "wget")
unzip("EIES_data.zip", exdir = newdir)
eiesatts <- read.table("eies.dat", as.is = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE, skip = 3, quote = "", nrows = 32)
colnames(eiesatts) <- c("Researcher", "Original_Code", "Citations", "Discipline")
eiesatts$Discipline_Name <- c("Sociology", "Anthropology", "Statistics", "Psychology")[eiesatts$Discipline]
eiesatts$Discipline_Name[3] <- "Communication"
eiesatts$Discipline_Name[27] <- "Mathematics"
friend1 <- read.table("EIES.1", sep = " ", as.is = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE)
friend2 <- read.table("EIES.2", sep = " ", as.is = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE)
eiesmessages <- read.table("messages.asc", nrows = 32, strip.white = TRUE)
eies <- list(t1 = friend1, t2 = friend2, messages = eiesmessages)
rm(friend1, friend2, eiesmessages)
eies <- lapply(eies, as.matrix)
eies$t1 <- graph.adjacency(eies$t1, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
E(eies$t1)$etype <- c("Do not know", "Heard of", "Met", "Friend", "Close Friend")[E(eies$t1)$weight + 1]
eies$t2 <- graph.adjacency(eies$t2, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
E(eies$t2)$etype <- c("Do not know", "Heard of", "Met", "Friend", "Close Friend")[E(eies$t2)$weight + 1]
eies$messages <- graph.adjacency(eies$messages, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
eiesvatts <- function(g, atts = eiesatts){
V(g)$name <- as.character(1:vcount(g))
for (i in 1:ncol(atts))
g <- set.vertex.attribute(g, name = colnames(atts)[i], value = atts[, i])
eies <- lapply(eies, eiesvatts)
rm(eiesvatts, eiesatts)
sapply(list.files(), file.remove)
rm(firstdir, newdir)
?read.graph ?graoh.data.frame ?graph.adjacency ?graph.adjlist ?graph.constructors
# Query database for popular data sets ?nexus.list ?nexus.search ?nexus.get ?nexus.info
is.simple(wikidat) # Verify it's simple is.directed(wikidat) # Verify it's directed vcount(wikidat) # Number of vertices ecount(wikidat) # Number of edges graph.density(wikidat) # Density
V(wikidat)$indegree <- degree(wikidat, mode = "in") V(wikidat)$outdegree <- degree(wikidat, mode = "out") V(wikidat)$totaldegree <- degree(wikidat, mode = "total")
all.vatts <- list.vertex.attributes(wikidat)[-1] all.vatts <- sapply(all.vatts, get.vertex.attribute, graph = wikidat) summary(all.vatts)
hist(log(V(wikidat)$outdegree), main = "Wiki Admin Votes", xlab = "Outdegree (log)")
eies.closefriends.t1 <- subgraph.edges(eies$t1, eids = which(E(eies$t1)$etype == "Close Friend"), delete.vertices = FALSE)
eies.closefriends.t1 <- as.undirected(eies.closefriends.t1)
eies.closefriends.t2 <- subgraph.edges(eies$t2, eids = which(E(eies$t2)$etype == "Close Friend"), delete.vertices = FALSE)
eies.closefriends.t2 <- as.undirected(eies.closefriends.t2)
eies.closefriends <- list(t1 = eies.closefriends.t1, t2 = eies.closefriends.t2)
rm(eies.closefriends.t1, eies.closefriends.t2)
remove.isolates <- function(g){
nonisolates <- which(degree(g) > 0)
return(induced.subgraph(g, nonisolates))
eies.closefriends.nonisolates <- lapply(eies.closefriends, remove.isolates)
transitivity(eies.closefriends$t1) # Unidrected network
V(eies.closefriends$t1)$loc.trans <- transitivity(eies.closefriends$t1, "local")
triad.census(wikidat) # Directed network
transitivity_directed(wikidat) # Not in igraph
diameter(wikidat) V(wikidat)$name[(get.diameter(wikidat))] hist(shortest.paths(wikidat), main = "Histogram of Shortest Path Lengths", xlab = "Geodesic Lengths")
V(wikidat)$betw <- betweenness(wikidat)
E(wikidat)$eb <- edge.betweenness(wikidat)
hist(log(E(wikidat)$eb), main = "Histogram of Edge Betweenness", sub = "Wiki Admin Voting", xlab = "Edge Betweenness (log)")
#How many weak and strong components do we have? sapply(c("weak", "strong"), no.clusters, graph = wikidat)
#Notice the distributions clusters(wikidat, mode = "weak")$csize clusters(wikidat, mode = "strong")$csize #Assign membership as attributes
V(wikidat)$comp.w <- clusters(wikidat, mode = "weak")$membership V(wikidat)$comp.s <- clusters(wikidat, mode = "strong")$membership
# Are the vertexes part of the giant component? V(wikidat)$giantcomp.w <- V(wikidat)$comp.w == which.max(clusters(wikidat, mode = "weak")$csize) V(wikidat)$giantcomp.s <- V(wikidat)$comp.s == which.max(clusters(wikidat, mode = "strong")$csize)
V(wikidat)$closeness <- closeness(wikidat)
V(wikidat)$evcent <- evcent(wikidat)$vector
V(wikidat)$kc.undir <- graph.coreness(as.undirected(wikidat, mode = "collapse"))
#How are undirected k-cores related to centrality?
kc.cent.corr.fun<-function(x, y = V(wikidat)$kc.undir){
a <- get.vertex.attribute(wikidat, name = x)
b <- y
cor.est <- cor.test(a, b, method = "spearman", exact = FALSE)$estimate
kc.cent.corr.fun <- cmpfun(kc.cent.corr.fun)
cent.atts <- c("indegree", "outdegree", "totaldegree", "betw", "closeness", "evcent")
cent.cors <- sapply(cent.atts, kc.cent.corr.fun)
names(cent.cors) <- cent.atts
barplot(cent.cors, ylab = "Spearman's rho", xlab = "Centrality", main = "Correlation with k-coreness")
#Directed k-cores
sapply(c("in", "out", "all"), function(y) return(sapply(cent.atts, kc.cent.corr.fun, y = graph.coreness(wikidat, mode = y))))
rm(cent.atts, kc.cent.corr.fun)
wikidat.comms <- multilevel.community(as.undirected(wikidat, mode = "collapse")) wikidat.comms$modularity V(wikidat)$comms <- wikidat.comms$membership xtabs(~V(wikidat)$comms) # 3, 4, 5, 9, and 11 are the biggest
wikidat.comms.w <- multilevel.community(as.undirected(wikidat, mode = "collapse"), weights = max(E(wikidat)$eb) - E(wikidat)$eb) wikidat.comms.w$modularity # Slightly higher V(wikidat)$comms.w <- wikidat.comms.w$membership xtabs(~V(wikidat)$comms.w) # 4, 5, 14, and 15 are the biggest
library(compiler) my_ecdf_fun <- function(x.val, all.vals){ ret.val <- mean(x.val >= all.vals) return(ret.val) } my_ecdf_fun <- cmpfun(my_ecdf_fun)
vsize <- sapply(V(eies.closefriends$t1)$Citations, my_ecdf_fun, all.vals = V(eies.closefriends$t1)$Citations) vsize <- 7.5 + 15 * vsize
each.discipline <- unique(V(eies.closefriends$t1)$Discipline_Name) n.disciplines <- length(each.discipline) vcol <- brewer.pal(n.disciplines, name = "Accent") vcol <- vcol[match(V(eies.closefriends$t1)$Discipline_Name, each.discipline)]
plot(eies.closefriends$t1, vertex.color = vcol, vertex.size = vsize, vertex.label.color = "black", vertex.label.family = "sans")
vcount(wikidat) # 7115 nodes
ecount(wikidat) # 103689 edges
sampsize <- round(vcount(wikidat) * 0.05) # 5% sample
subsamp <- sample.int(vcount(wikidat), sampsize)
wikidat.sg <- induced.subgraph(wikidat, subsamp)
sampsize <- round(vcount(wikidat) * 0.05) # 5% sample
subsamp <- sample.int(vcount(wikidat), sampsize)
wikidat.sg <- induced.subgraph(wikidat, subsamp)
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = "")
subsamp <- which(degree(wikidat.sg, mode = "all") > 0)
wikidat.sg <- induced.subgraph(wikidat.sg, subsamp)
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.5)
# Sample based on betweenness and large communities cond1 <- V(wikidat)$betw > 1 cond2 <- V(wikidat)$comms %in% c(3, 4, 5, 9, 11) subsamp <- which(cond1 & cond2) wikidat.sg <- induced.subgraph(wikidat, subsamp) vcount(wikidat.sg) # From 7,115 to 1,372 nodes ecount(wikidat.sg) # From 103,689 to 40,587 edges # Still too big to see anything. # Systematic 25% sample on eigenvector centrality evrank <- rank(V(wikidat.sg)$evcent, "random") nsyssamp <- seq(from = 1, to = max(evrank), by = 4) nsyssamp <- which(evrank%in% nsyssamp) wikidat.sg <- induced.subgraph(wikidat.sg, nsyssamp)
# Systematic 25% sample on edge betweenness ebrank <- rank(E(wikidat.sg)$eb, "random") esyssamp <- seq(from = 1, to = max(ebrank), by = 4) esyssamp <- which(ebrank %in% esyssamp) wikidat.sg <- subgraph.edges(wikidat.sg, esyssamp) plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25)
wikidat.sg.lo <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(wikidat.sg, params = list(niter = 2500, area = vcount(wikidat.sg)^3))
V(wikidat.sg)$x <- wikidat.sg.lo[,1]
V(wikidat.sg)$y <- wikidat.sg.lo[,2]
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25)
ewidth <- sapply(E(wikidat.sg)$eb, my_ecdf_fun, E(wikidat.sg)$eb)
E(wikidat.sg)$width <- (1.25 * ewidth)^2
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = TRUE)
vcols <- brewer.pal(3, "Accent")
names(vcols) <- unique(V(wikidat.sg)$comms)
V(wikidat.sg)$color <- vcols[as.character(V(wikidat.sg)$comms)]
V(wikidat.sg)$size <- 6 * sapply(V(wikidat.sg)$evcent, my_ecdf_fun, V(wikidat.sg)$evcent)
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = TRUE)
ebrank <- rank(E(wikidat.sg)$eb, "random") esyssamp <- seq(from = 1, to = max(ebrank), by = 2) esyssamp <- which(ebrank %in% esyssamp) wikidat.sg <- subgraph.edges(wikidat.sg, esyssamp) plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = .25)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = .25, layout = layout.kamada.kawai, margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = .25, layout = layout.circle, margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = .25, layout = layout.svd, margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = .25, layout = layout.mds, margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
wikidat.sg.elist <- get.edgelist(wikidat.sg, names = FALSE) edgecolor <- apply(wikidat.sg.elist, 1, function(x){ c1 <-V(wikidat.sg)$comms[x[1]] c2 <- V(wikidat.sg)$comms[x[2]] return(ifelse(c1 == c2, vcols[as.character(c1)], "darkgrey")) }) E(wikidat.sg)$color <- edgecolor
dev.off() plot(wikidat.sg, vertex.label = "", edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.curved = .25, layout = layout.svd, margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
graph.order <- seq(from = 10, to = 100, by = 5)
graph.trans <- sapply(graph.order, function(x) replicate(1000, transitivity(erdos.renyi.game(x, .1))))
graph.apl <- sapply(graph.order, function(x) replicate(1000, average.path.length(erdos.renyi.game(x, .1))))
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(x = graph.order, y = apply(graph.trans, 2, mean), ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 100), type = "l", xlab = "Order", ylab = "Transitivity", main = "Tie Prob = 0.10; Simulations=1000")
lines(x = graph.order, y = apply(graph.trans, 2, quantile, probs = .025, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
lines(x = graph.order, y = apply(graph.trans, 2, quantile, probs = .975, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
plot(x = graph.order, y = apply(graph.apl, 2, mean), ylim = c(0, 5), xlim = c(0, 100), type = "l", xlab = "Order", ylab = "Average Path Length", main = "Tie Prob = 0.10; Simulations = 1000")
lines(x = graph.order, y = apply(graph.apl, 2, quantile, probs = .025, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
lines(x = graph.order, y = apply(graph.apl, 2, quantile, probs = .975, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
graph.tieprob <- seq(from = .01, to = .30, by = .01)
graph.trans <- sapply(graph.tieprob, function(x) replicate(1000, transitivity(erdos.renyi.game(100, x))))
graph.apl <- sapply(graph.tieprob, function(x) replicate(1000, average.path.length(erdos.renyi.game(100, x))))
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(x = graph.tieprob, y = apply(graph.trans, 2, mean), ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, .3), type = "l", xlab = "Tie Probability", ylab = "Transitivity", main = "Order = 100; Simulations = 1000")
lines(x = graph.tieprob, y = apply(graph.trans, 2, quantile, probs = .025, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
lines(x = graph.tieprob, y = apply(graph.trans, 2, quantile, probs = .975, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
plot(x = graph.tieprob, y = apply(graph.apl, 2, mean), ylim = c(0,8), xlim = c(0,.3), type = "l", xlab = "Tie Probability", ylab = "Average Path Length", main = "Order=100; Simulations = 1000")
lines(x = graph.tieprob, y = apply(graph.apl, 2, quantile, probs = .025, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
lines(x = graph.tieprob, y = apply(graph.apl, 2, quantile, probs = .975, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", lty = 2, type = "l")
# Do conservative blogs have more links than liberal ones? polblogs <- nexus.get(id = "polblogs") #0 = liberal, 1 = conservative polblogs.totdeg <- degree(polblogs, mode = "all") obs.diff <- mean(polblogs.totdeg[V(polblogs)$LeftRight == 1]) - mean(polblogs.totdeg[V(polblogs)$LeftRight == 0]) perm.fun <- function(){ perm.attribs <- sample(V(polblogs)$LeftRight) return(mean(polblogs.totdeg[perm.attribs == 1]) - mean(polblogs.totdeg[perm.attribs == 0])) }; perm.fun<-cmpfun(perm.fun)
exp.diffs <- replicate(1000, perm.fun()) mean(obs.diff > exp.diffs) # ~0.86, not significantly greater than by chance assignment
obs.val <- ei_index(polblogs, V(polblogs)$LeftRight)
exp.val <- replicate(1000, ei_index(polblogs, sample(V(polblogs)$LeftRight)))
mean(obs.val < exp.val) # We expect fewer outgroup ties
# Friendship homophily by discipline among researchers
# Time 1 obs.val.t1 <- ei_index(eies.closefriends$t1, V(eies.closefriends$t1)$Discipline_Name) exp.val.t1 <- replicate(1000, ei_index(eies.closefriends$t1, sample(V(eies.closefriends$t1)$Discipline_Name)))
# Time 2 obs.val.t2 <- ei_index(eies.closefriends$t2, V(eies.closefriends$t2)$Discipline_Name) exp.val.t2 <- replicate(1000, ei_index(eies.closefriends$t2, sample(V(eies.closefriends$t2)$Discipline_Name)))
# Compare the homophily effect & its non-random probability c(t1 = obs.val.t1, t1.p = mean(obs.val.t1 < exp.val.t1), t2 = obs.val.t2, mean(obs.val.t2 < exp.val.t2))
karate <- nexus.get("karate")
karate.lo <- layout.kamada.kawai(karate, params = list(niter = 1000))
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(karate, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = V(karate)$name, vertex.label.family = "sans", margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0), edge.curved = .33, layout = karate.lo)
karate.rw <- rewire(karate, mode = "simple", niter = 10*ecount(karate))
plot(karate.rw, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = V(karate)$name, vertex.label.family = "sans", margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0), edge.curved = .33, layout = karate.lo)
obs.trans <- transitivity(karate)
karate.rw.fun <- function(){
krw <- rewire(karate, mode = "simple", niter = 10 * ecount(karate))
}; karate.rw.fun <- cmpfun(karate.rw.fun)
exp.trans <- replicate(1000, karate.rw.fun())
mean(obs.trans > exp.trans) # ~0.87
n.researchers <- vcount(eies$t1) n.rewires <- 10 * n.researchers * (n.researchers - 1) obs.val.t1 <- transitivity_directed(eies$t1) obs.val.t2 <- transitivity_directed(eies$t2) # Will take some time. # Would recommend at least 1000, not 250, replications
exp.val.t1 <- replicate(250, transitivity_directed(rewire_dyads(eies$t1, n.rewires))) exp.val.t2 <- replicate(250, transitivity_directed(rewire_dyads(eies$t2, n.rewires)))
c(t1 = obs.val.t1, t1.p = mean(obs.val.t1 > exp.val.t1), t2 = obs.val.t2, t2.p = mean(obs.val.t2 > exp.val.t2))
A fixed number (or proportion) of edges are randomly assigned to a fixed set of nodes.
er.graph <- erdos.renyi.game(100, .03)
plot(er.graph, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "")
obs.incent <- centralization.degree(wikidat, mode = "in", loops = FALSE)$centralization
exp.incent.fun <- function(){
new.net <- erdos.renyi.game(vcount(wikidat), ecount(wikidat), type = "gnm", directed = TRUE)
return(centralization.degree(new.net, mode = "in", loops = FALSE)$centralization)
}; exp.incent.fun <- cmpfun(exp.incent.fun)
exp.incent <- replicate(1000, exp.incent.fun())
mean(obs.incent > exp.incent)
obs.incent <- centralization.degree(wikidat, mode = "in", loops = FALSE)$centralization exp.incent.fun.ec <- function(){ new.net <- erdos.renyi.game(vcount(wikidat), ecount(wikidat), type = "gnm", directed = TRUE) return(centralization.degree(new.net, mode = "in", loops = FALSE)$centralization) }; exp.incent.fun.ec <- cmpfun(exp.incent.fun.ec) exp.incent.ec <- replicate(500, exp.incent.fun.ec()) c(obs = obs.incent, exp.ec = mean(obs.incent > exp.incent.ec))
# An alternative model that will take too much time # Set sparse = TRUE if you don't have much RAM exp.incent.fun.dc <- function(){ dc <- unlist(dyad.census(wikidat)) new.net <- uman_game(vcount(wikidat), dc, sparse = FALSE) return(centralization.degree(new.net, mode = "in", loops = FALSE)$centralization) }; exp.incent.fun.dc <- cmpfun(exp.incent.fun.dc) exp.incent.dc <- replicate(500, exp.incent.fun.dc())
Networks grow according to the principle of preferential attachment.
wikidat.in <- degree(wikidat, mode = "in")
wikidat.out <- degree(wikidat, mode = "out")
wikidat.plfit.in <- power.law.fit(wikidat.in)
wikidat.plfit.out <- power.law.fit(wikidat.out)
print(c(wikidat.plfit.in$alpha, wikidat.plfit.out$alpha))
exp.incent.pl.fun <- function(){
new.net <- static.power.law.game(vcount(wikidat), ecount(wikidat), exponent.out = wikidat.plfit.out$alpha, exponent.in = wikidat.plfit.in$alpha)
return(centralization.degree(new.net, mode="in", loops = FALSE)$centralization)
}; exp.incent.pl.fun <- cmpfun(exp.incent.pl.fun)
exp.incent.pl <- replicate(500, exp.incent.pl.fun())
mean(obs.incent > exp.incent.pl) # Obs more centralized
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
hist(exp.incent.ec, main = "E-R Indegree Centralization")
hist(exp.incent.pl, main = "Power Law Indegree Centralization") # ~10x more centralized graphs
Local neighborhoods bridged by a few actors with ties that jump across neighborhoods.
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
g1 <- graph.lattice(100, nei = 1)# nei = mean degree / 2
V(g1)$x <- g1.layout[ , 1]; V(g1)$y <- g1.layout[ , 2]
g1.rewire <- rewire.edges(g1, p = 0.1) # prob of .1 rewire
plot(g1, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "", main = "Lattice")
plot(g1.rewire, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "", main = "Rewire")
What's the relationship between the neighborhood index (nei) and graph density?
#The following two plots should be approximately equal
dev.off(); par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
sw.net <- watts.strogatz.game(dim = 1, size = 100, nei = 1, p = .1)
plot(g1.rewire, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "", main = "Rewired Lattice")
plot(sw.net, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "", layout = g1.layout, main = "Watts-Strogatz")
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
g2.ws <- watts.strogatz.game(dim = 1, size = 100, nei = 1, p = .9)
g2.er <- erdos.renyi.game(100, (2 * 100 / 2) / (100 * 99 / 2), directed = FALSE)
plot(g2.ws, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "", main = "Watts-Strogatz")
plot(g2.er, vertex.size = 5, vertex.label = "", main = "Erdős–Rényi")
marvnet <- read.graph("http://bioinfo.uib.es/~joemiro/marvel/porgat.txt", format = "pajek")
V(marvnet)$name <- V(marvnet)$id
marvnet.tnet <- get.edgelist(marvnet, names = FALSE)
marvnet.tnet <- as.tnet(marvnet.tnet, type = "binary two-mode tnet")
download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kjhealy/revere/master/data/PaulRevereAppD.csv", "PaulRevere.csv", method = "wget")
amrev <- read.csv("PaulRevere.csv", row.names = 1)
amrev.el <- which(amrev == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
amrev.el[, 1] <- rownames(amrev)[as.numeric(amrev.el[, 1])]
amrev.el[, 2] <- colnames(amrev)[as.numeric(amrev.el[, 2])]
amrev <- graph.data.frame(amrev.el, directed = FALSE)
V(amrev)$type <- V(amrev)$name %in% amrev.el[, 2]
amrev.tnet <- get.edgelist(amrev, names = FALSE)
amrev.tnet <- as.tnet(amrev.tnet, type = "binary two-mode tnet")
ra_clust <- function(g){
g.motif <- graph.motifs(g, size = 4)
threepaths <- g.motif[7]
fourcycles <- 4 * g.motif[9]
ret.val <- fourcycles / (fourcycles + threepaths)
ra_clust <- cmpfun(ra_clust)
amrev.raclust <- ra_clust(amrev)
# Much slower, but faster version available (email Opsahl)
amrev.oclust <- clustering_tm(amrev.tnet)
local_ra_clust <- function(g, vind){ new.g <- graph.neighborhood(g, order = 2, nodes = vind)[[1]] new.g.motif <- graph.motifs(new.g, size = 4) threepaths <- new.g.motif[7] fourcycles <- 4 * new.g.motif[9] retval <- ifelse(fourcycles + threepaths > 0, fourcycles / (fourcycles + threepaths), NaN)
return(retval) } local_ra_clust <- cmpfun(local_ra_clust) amrev.raclust.loc <- sapply(1:vcount(amrev), local_ra_clust, g = amrev)
amrev.oclust.loc <- clustering_local_tm(amrev.tnet)
# Identify both the actors and those actors with valid clustering coefficients
amrev.raclust.loc.actors.ind <- which(is.nan(amrev.raclust.loc[which(V(amrev)$type == FALSE)]) == FALSE)
amrev.raclust.loc.actors <- data.frame(name = V(amrev)$name[amrev.raclust.loc.actors.ind])
amrev.raclust.loc.actors$clust <- amrev.raclust.loc[amrev.raclust.loc.actors.ind]
amrev.raclust.loc.actors$rank <- rank(amrev.raclust.loc.actors$clust)
amrev.raclust.loc.actors[order(amrev.raclust.loc.actors$clust, amrev.raclust.loc.actors$name), ]
# Generate a random network with the same parameters as the Marvel network
n.primary <- sum(V(marvnet)$type == FALSE)
n.secondary <- vcount(marvnet) - n.primary
marvnet.rand.el <- rg_tm(ni = n.primary, np = n.secondary, ties = ecount(marvnet))
head(marvnet.rand.el) # It's an edgelist.
# Export it to igraph
# Because both the first and second mode begin at 1 ...
marvnet.rand.el[, "p"] <- marvnet.rand.el[, "p"] + n.primary
marvnet.rand.type <- c(rep(FALSE, times = n.primary), rep(TRUE, times = n.secondary))
marvnet.rand.atts <- data.frame(name = 1:vcount(marvnet), type = marvnet.rand.type)
marvnet.rand <- graph.data.frame(marvnet.rand.el, directed = FALSE, vertices = marvnet.rand.atts)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
tempdegree <- degree(marvnet, v = which(V(marvnet)$type == FALSE))
hist(log(1 + tempdegree), main = "Observed", xlab = "Issues in Which Each Character Appears (log)", ylab = "Frequency")
tempdegree <- degree(marvnet.rand, v = which(V(marvnet)$type == FALSE))
hist(log(1 + tempdegree), main = "Random", xlab = "Issues in Which Each Character Appears (log)", ylab = "Frequency")
tempdegree <- degree(marvnet, v = which(V(marvnet)$type == TRUE))
hist(log(1 + tempdegree), main = "Observed", xlab = "Characters Appearing in Each Issue (log)", ylab = "Frequency")
tempdegree <- degree(marvnet.rand, v = which(V(marvnet)$type == TRUE))
hist(log(1 + tempdegree), main = "Random", xlab = "Characters Appearing in Each Issue (log)", ylab = "Frequency")
# tnet method. # Do not use now, as it will take A VERY LONG TIME. # Also allows for weighted two-mode data and can shuffle weights
amrev.rand.rw <- rg_reshuffling_tm(amrev.tnet) # Reshuffles each edge
# igraph method. Inadviseable for large networks
# First, recreate the bipartite network, but treat it as directed to preserves the bipartite structure # Second, rewire the directed two-mode network # Third, remove the direction
rewire_tm <- function(g, niter = NULL){ g.el <- get.edgelist(g) new.g <- graph.data.frame(g.el, directed = TRUE) V(new.g)$type <- V(g)$type nswaps <- ifelse(is.null(niter), 10 * ecount(g), niter) new.g <- rewire(new.g, mode = "simple", nswaps) new.g <- as.undirected(new.g) return(new.g) } rewire_tm <- cmpfun(rewire_tm)
amrev.raclust.exp <- replicate(1000, ra_clust(rewire_tm(amrev)))
mean(amrev.raclust > amrev.raclust.exp)
Edge list must be consistently partitioned for this function to work!# tnet marv.dichot <- projecting_tm(marvnet.tnet, method = "binary") # Takes me ~1.5 minutes head(marv.dichot, 15) # Performed on "primary" mode only
# igraph. # Set 'which' to "true" for the other mode # Set it to "both" for a list of both projections marv.dichot <- bipartite.projection(marvnet, multiplicity = FALSE, which = "false")
# tnet marv.sum <- projecting_tm(marvnet.tnet, method = "sum") # Takes me ~1.5 minutes head(marv.sum, 15) # Performed on "primary" mode only # k-threshold >= 12 marv.k12 <- marv.sum[which(marv.sum$w >= 12), ]
# igraph marv.sum <- bipartite.projection(marvnet, multiplicity = TRUE, which = "false") head(E(marv.sum)$weight, 20) # k-threshold >= 12 marv.k12 <- subgraph.edges(marv.sum, which(E(marv.sum)$weight >= 12), delete.vertices = FALSE)
newman.2m.fun <- function(g, type = FALSE){ vdeg <- degree(g) vneigh <- neighborhood(g, order = 1) mode.which <- ifelse(type, "true", "false") proj1m <- bipartite.projection(g, multiplicity = TRUE, which = mode.which) vmatch <- match(V(proj1m)$name, V(g)$name) proj1m.el <- get.edgelist(proj1m, names = FALSE) ncollabs <- function(x){ orig.i <- vmatch[x[1]] orig.j <- vmatch[x[2]] art.k <- vneigh[[orig.i]][which(vneigh[[orig.i]] %in% vneigh[[orig.j]])] art.degs <- sum(1 / (vdeg[art.k] - 1)) return(art.degs) } E(proj1m)$newman.w <- apply(proj1m.el, 1, ncollabs) return(proj1m) } newman.2m.fun <- cmpfun(newman.2m.fun)
marv.newman <- newman.2m.fun(marvnet) # Took me ~30 seconds
head(cbind(E(marv.newman)$weight, E(marv.newman)$newman.w), 20)
# Dichotomous
shortest.paths(marv.newman, v = 1, to = 2, weights = rep(1, ecount(marv.newman))) # 3 # Summed weights shortest.paths(marv.newman, v = 1, to = 2, weights = E(marv.newman)$weight) # 4 shortest.paths(marv.newman, 1, 2, weight = E(marv.newman)$weight / mean(E(marv.newman)$weight)) # 1.18 # Newman
edges2keep <- which(is.infinite(E(marv.newman)$newman.w) == FALSE) marv.newman <- subgraph.edges(marv.newman, edges2keep, delete.vertices = FALSE) shortest.paths(marv.newman, v = 1, to = 2, weights = E(marv.newman)$newman.w) # 0.38 shortest.paths(marv.newman, v = 1, to = 2, weights = E(marv.newman)$newman.w / mean(E(marv.newman)$newman.w)) # 1.33
issues48 <- which((degree(marvnet) >= 48) & (V(marvnet)$type == FALSE))
issues48 <- which(V(marv.newman)$name %in% V(marvnet)$name[issues48])
marv.newman.sg <- induced.subgraph(marv.newman, issues48)
marv.newman.sg <- subgraph.edges(marv.newman.sg, which(E(marv.newman.sg)$newman.w > 4), delete.vertices = TRUE)
cleanupnames <- function(y){
y <- strsplit(y, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
y <- strsplit(y, " [", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
y <- gsub(".", "", y, fixed = TRUE)
ylen <- nchar(y)
lastchar <- substr(y, ylen, ylen)
y <- ifelse(lastchar == " ", substr(y, 1, ylen - 1), y)
cleanupnames <- cmpfun(cleanupnames)
V(marv.newman.sg)$name <- sapply(V(marv.newman.sg)$name, cleanupnames)
library(RColorBrewer) # Community detection V(marv.newman.sg)$comm <- multilevel.community(marv.newman.sg, weights = E(marv.newman.sg)$weight)$membership max(V(marv.newman.sg)$comm) # 25 is too many communities to portray
# k-cores V(marv.newman.sg)$kc <- graph.coreness(marv.newman.sg) kcmax <- max(V(marv.newman.sg)$kc) kcmax # 10 on a continuous scale is good. min(V(marv.newman.sg)$kc) # Because there are no isolates, minimum is 1. corecolors <- brewer.pal(max(V(marv.newman.sg)$kc), "Reds") corecolors <- c(rep("white", times = kcmax - 9), corecolors) V(marv.newman.sg)$color <- corecolors[V(marv.newman.sg)$kc]
V(marv.newman.sg)$closeness <- closeness(marv.newman.sg, weights = E(marv.newman.sg)$weight / mean(E(marv.newman.sg)$weight), normalize = FALSE)
V(marv.newman.sg)$size <- ecdf(V(marv.newman.sg)$closeness)(V(marv.newman.sg)$closeness)
V(marv.newman.sg)$size <- V(marv.newman.sg)$size * 6
V(marv.newman.sg)$label.cex <- V(marv.newman.sg)$size / (4.5 * 2)
E(marv.newman.sg)$width <- ecdf(E(marv.newman.sg)$weight)(E(marv.newman.sg)$weight)
g.lo <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(marv.newman.sg, params = list(niter = 2500, area = vcount(marv.newman.sg)^3))
V(marv.newman.sg)$x <- g.lo[ ,1]
V(marv.newman.sg)$y <- g.lo[ ,2]
svg("MarvPlot.svg", height = 20, width = 20)
plot(marv.newman.sg, vertex.label.color = "black", vertex.label.family = "sans", margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
Try opening that .svg file in your web browser!