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“Front-End Ops is the collection of things you can do to make serving web pages easier.”
-Alex Sexton
Make the computers do the work.
So you can focus on your product.
Speed is the Metric that we measure by.
254 modules per day
133831 modules
(as of 03/20/15)
A Yeoman generator to create Drupal themes. This is also built to create sub-themes of Zen, Omega, Aurora, Mothership, or your own custom theme.
With 4,430* registered plugins to choose from, you can use Grunt to automate just about anything with a minimum amount of effort.
*as of 03/20/15
A newer nodejs based task runner with 1401* plugins. Gulp uses streams that pipe your files through a series of actions then outputs it in a specified location.
*as of 03/18/15
High Performance Browser Networking
By Ilya Grigorik
What every web developer should know about networking and web performance
High Performance Drupal
By Jeff Sheltren, Naraya Newton & Nathaniel Catchpole
This comprehensive guide provides best practices, examples, and in-depth explanations for solving several performance and scalability issues.
Fastclick Speedy Picture Assetic
CDN CSS Embedded Images Purge
Borealis Varnish Expire Cache Actions
CacheTags MemCache Views Cache Bully
and many many more.
Videos from Front End Ops Conf 2014
Automating Frontend Workflow by @addyosmani
Grunt/Gulp tasks for Performance Optimization
Grunt for People Who Think Things Like Grunt are Weird and Hard by @ChrisCoyier
Frontend Ops by @SlexAxton