All decks
Galilean and Special Relativity DP
Thermal Energy Transfer DP
Ecosystems -MYP 2
Migration - MYP 2
Cosmology and Astronomy - Physics - MYP 1-3
Fission - Physics DP
Electromagnetic Radiation - Physics CC -int
Our Universe - Physics CC -int
Radioactivity- Physics CC -int
Electricity - Physics CC -int
The Energy We Need - Physics CC -int
Interactions Between Forces and Matter - Physics CC -int
Earth’s Climate and Atmospheric Balance - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Stars and The Universe - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Nuclear Model of the Atom - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Electromagnetic Effects- Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Electricity - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Mechanisms of Chemical Change - Chemistry - HL - CC
Basic Concepts of Chemistry MYP int
Acid-Base and Redox Reactions: Proton and Electron Transfers - Chemistry - CC - SL HL
Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions - Chemistry - CC SL HL
Waves and Communication Systems - Physics - CC - MYP 4-5
Thermal Physics - Physics - CC - MYP 4-5
Work, Energy and Power - Physics - CC - MYP 4-5
Reactivity series, Redox reactions and Electrolytic cells MYP - CC
Metallic Bonding and Material Properties- SL HL- CC
Structure of the Atom DP
Understanding Periodic Table and metals - Chemistry CC - MYP
Doppler Effect DP
Fields - Physics CC - DP
Classification of Living Organisms- Biology CC - Int.
Scaling and Structure in Scientific Systems - Biology CC - Int.
Foundations of Scientific Understanding - Biology CC - Int.
The Particulate Nature of Matter - Physics CC - DP
Space, Time and Motion - Physics CC - DP
Motion - Physics CC - MYP Int.
Scale and Order in Science - Physics CC - MYP Int.
Interaction of Forces and Matter - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Force and Newton's Laws of Motion - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Motion - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Units, Measurement and Scale - Physics CC - MYP 4-5
Rigid Body Mechanics DP
Work Energy and Powe Algebra-Based Ap 1
Wave Phenomena dp
Forces and Momentum dp
Covalent Model DP
full Covalent Model DP
Probability MYP
Triangles and Quadrilaterals MYP