• Dependency Injection

  • deck

  • deck

  • Cyclomatic Complexity

  • deck

  • Fragile and Resilient code

    How to take perfectly good code and make it awful, then, how to get out.

  • Unikernels

  • Skeleton Projects

  • JS Promises

  • SOA

  • MVC vs OOP

  • One Hen

    Slides for the Announcer's Test vocal warmup. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Announcer%27s_test

  • deck

  • Compose with composer

  • Git: Mastering time and space

    Learn how git is used to architect the Spacetime of a code base.

  • Use Silex; Use Cilex;

    Silex is a concise, extensible and testable web micro-framework based on common Symfony components. Cilex is it's command-line twin. Be dazzled and amazed at how easy it is to go from rapid prototyping to large apps, and even provide the same business logic to both frameworks.