• How to Choose the a Washer and Dryer? | Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: From sports, kits to work shirts to baby clothes, whatever your laundry basket contains you need an appliance you can rely on to both clean and care for your clothes. Most of our washing machines come with our Circo care drum, a system of paddles and jets which provide a safe, effective wash for perfect results and peace of mind every time. Installing a washer and dryer about 15 inches off the floor will make loading and unloading more comfortable.

  • Zalmen Pollak Tips for Buying the Right Home Appliance

    Zalmen Pollak: The most basic thing for you to know when shopping for a new appliance is the space your new appliance will go in. Whether new construction or needing to fit an appliance into an existing space we need to know the height and width and depth of that area. It's a major undertaking that requires significant planning before you even step into the appliance section of your home improvement store.

  • Save Money When Buying Home Appliances by Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: You can save money on appliances, both before and after the purchase. The first thing to do is assess if you really need a new one in the first place. If you determine that you really need to get a new appliance, there are things you can do to save money on the purchase. First, figure out what you need. If you live alone or have a small household, the money spent is pointless. When it comes to functionality, though, saving or splurging can make a big difference. Here are tips to save money when buying home appliances.

  • Zalmen Pollak Tips for Refrigerator Care and Maintenance

    Zalmen Pollak: Your refrigerator is likely the most used appliance in your kitchen and it may also be the largest consumer of energy, too. Proper maintenance will reduce energy consumption and extend the life of the refrigerator. Without regular cleaning and maintenance, dust and dirt build up in the fridge's condenser coils; door gaskets can loosen their grip and allow cool air to leak out, and the temperature inside can become unstable.

  • Steps for Choosing the Right Humidifier - Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: Humidifiers are used to add moisture to dry air. They can help someone dealing with congestion, dry skin, and sinus discomfort and also help with things that affect our day-to-day lives, like static electricity. Dry air can cause several problems such as chapped skin, nose bleeds, skin allergies, ruined wood furniture, etc; all of which can effectively be taken care of by a humidifier.

  • Appliance Care Tips By Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: A good care and correct use of these appliances provide them a longer running life. Here are few care & maintenance tips for some important home appliances that we use every day to ensure an extended life for them. Wait until you have a full load before running the dishwasher. When loading the dishwasher, make sure no dishes obstruct the rotating spray arms.

  • Effective Energy-Saving Tips at Home by Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: Saving energy isn't just about helping you to save electricity or be more energy efficient, it's also a great way to save money. These days, it’s more of a win-win than ever to save on energy. Every time you lower your utility bills, you put more money back in your bank account. And lower energy bills also mean less energy consumed, which means less harmful emissions released into our environment.

  • How to Maintain Home Appliances? - Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: Home appliances are a great investment for all homemakers and are designed to make life easy, comfortable and convenient for all. Household appliances may be getting cheaper all the time, but they’re still worth maintaining. Appliances do more work than you realize and their condition can have a big impact on the value of your home – not to mention your expenses.

  • Various Tips to Repair Appliance - Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak: If you understand how your appliance is supposed to work, you can more easily detect and fix problems. Each appliance type covered has its theory of operation described. Once you decide that you do have a problem, find your appliance's symptom and click on the link for details about that cause.

  • Zalmen Pollak Tips for Gas Stoves Maintenance

    Zalmen Pollak: As the owner of a gas stove, it is important to adhere to a regular cleaning schedule to not only ensure sanitation while cooking and preparing food, but also for aesthetic and maintenance purposes. The cleaning up part certainly isn't as fun as the cooking part, but it's a job that must be done.

  • 5 Top Reason to Buy Glass Top Stoves - Zalmen Pollak

    No matter what kind of range you are cooking on, you may want to consider purchasing glass top stoves. Zalmen Pollak shared top five reasons to buy glass top stoves.

  • Choosing New Home Appliances - Zalmen Pollak

    If you are planning to upgrade your home appliances, it is very essential to choose the right appliances for that. You should keep in mind all the things like price, style and its reliability according to your current needs.

  • 5 Tips for Home Appliance Repair - Zalmen Pollak

    Our life becomes so easy because of home appliances. These appliances provide us the great comfort & it is very difficult to spend a day without these appliances. But a proper maintenance is must for these appliances if we want to use them for a long time. Here are some important tips for maintenance of home appliances that will help to ensure an extended life for them.

  • 5 Most Common Home Appliance Problems - Zalmen Pollak

    Your home appliances put advanced technology to use in your daily life-but even top-of-the-line appliances aren't immune to malfunctions. You can easily fix some issues yourself, but other problems require the attention of an appliance repair professional.

  • Easy Maintenance Tips for Your Dishwasher by Zalmen Pollak

    Zalmen Pollak shared some basic tips to keep your dishwasher running admirably and giving you clean dishes for quite a while.