• Javascript High Performance

    Learn to make your web application faster with a better response time.

  • Design Patterns for Large-Scale Javascript

    Learn the essential design patterns for large-scale Javascript applications. By Tiago Garcia

  • Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars.js

    On this talk we will cover concepts of the new web trend - client side templating, comparing with the traditional Thick Server approach, and also go over Handlebars templating language. By Alysson Ferreira

  • An overview about testing and Jasmine

    "An overview how we can improve our code design by testing with Jasmine framework". By Igor Lima

  • A Javascript Module Loader - RequireJS

    Learn how to use AMD to struct your code and fight against infinite requests. By Henrique Filho

  • Boosting the client-side with Backbone.js

    Learn the fundamentals about client-side apps, REST, JSON, MVC and how to blend it all together in a mature Javascript SPA library from the MV* family, Backbone.js. By Tiago Garcia