• Facilitating English as Second Language Learning through a Transmedia Storyworld

    Presented at Transmedia Literacy International Conference 2018 - #Transliteracy2018 - Language learning shouldn't be dissociated from the learners' social and cultural context. ESL educators need to address, in their instructional spaces, the hows, and whys of living and communicating in a technology- mediated ecosystem, in present times. Acting as media ecosystems, transmedia storyworlds can become a multimodal sandbox within which learners can gain a higher agency to produce language through digital formats. Part of an ongoing research project, we describe the design and implementation of a transmedia learning storyworld. Through the report and discussion of the first deployment of a prototype version and a transmedia learning experience based on the storyworld, we explore challenges inherent to the application of a transmedia storyworld in formal learning environments and indicate a set of issues that need to be addressed in the future.

  • Enhancing Collaboration through a Transmedia Storyworld

    Presented at APPI Azores Seminar 2018 -Through the discussion of the design and application of a transmedia learning storyworld targeted to EFL students, this session attempts to provide insight on how to enhance collaborative practices in the classroom and taps into practical ways students can improve their communicative competence in online spaces.

  • Transmedia Storytelling - Erasmus + IP UAb 02/18

    Erasmus + Intensive Program @UAb - Lisbon session - the key elements of the design of a transmedia experience based on the analysis of a transmedia learning project

  • Exploring Literacy Strategies through the Use of Transmedia

    Presentation @Transmedianalisis - Análisis del discurso en un entorno transmedia: Propuestas de investigación y de docencia; Universidad de Alicante 16-17 November 2017

  • Towards a Transmedia Learning Approach in ESL Context

    Presentation #iLRN2017 Transmedia storyworlds allow students to express themselves and take part in a shared culture while developing learning paths. Whilst the use of transmedia storytelling in formal learning environments has been steadily gaining ground among educators, documented cases of its application are still sparse. Tap into a transmedia learning storyworld targeted to English as Second Language students. The potential and challenges of applying a transmedia approach in an educational setting are explored through the description of the implementation of a prototype version of a transmedia learning storyworld and discussion of issues emerging from the application process.

  • @TATE

    Explore art histories and practices from around the world at Tate. Meet artists who are challenging norms, bridging societies, and working and thinking globally.

  • Learning Opportunities & Challenges in a Transmedia Storyworld (speaker notes)

    Presentation at the Media Education Summit 16 - Rome. By tapping into the design, and application of a transmedia language learning storyworld, part of an ongoing research project, this presentation explores a set of pedagogical frameworks that take into account the interconnected media context of students and presents considerations regarding the development of a design methodology targeted to enhance learning opportunities within an immersive storyworld. The presentation concludes with a brief discussion of the challenges emerging from the implementation process of a prototype version of the storyworld in a formal learning environment and points to future research.

  • Learning Opportunities & Challenges in a Transmedia Storyworld

    Presentation at the Media Education Summit 16 - Rome. By tapping into the design, and application of a transmedia language learning storyworld, part of an ongoing research project, this presentation explores a set of pedagogical frameworks that take into account the interconnected media context of students and presents considerations regarding the development of a design methodology targeted to enhance learning opportunities within an immersive storyworld. The presentation concludes with a brief discussion of the challenges emerging from the implementation process of a prototype version of the storyworld in a formal learning environment and points to future research.

  • Learning Opportunities in Transmedia Environments

    Presentation at I Jornadas Nacionais de Professores de Línguas, 2016

  • Connecting Cat

    Considerações acerca de um projecto de aprendizagem transmédia - X Jornadas do CIAC 2016

  • Connecting Cat - a transmedia learning project

    Poster presentation of a transmedia learning project at the 8th ICIDS 2015

  • Design of a Transmedia Project targeted to Language Learning

    Artech 2015 @Óbidos Scaffolding a transmedia learning project - theoretical frameworks and description of the design stage of a project targeted to ESL learners

  • Transmedia + Education = ?

    RIDERS Summer School @ University of York - Short description of a research project aimed at the use of Transmedia Storytelling in an educational setting.