• Python - MIC PUC Minas

    This is a short course on the Python programming language. The syntax, the basics, some data structures and some cool features with puzzles and mini hackatons to test what you learned.

  • Como perder seu primeiro emprego em 6 segundos! - Escola de Férias PUC Minas

    This is a workshop presentation on how to work up your resumé, linkedin and do your best at varying types of interviews for IT jobs.

  • QA e Automação - Escola de Férias PUC Minas

    This is a short course on QA (Quality Assurance) fundamentals. You're going to learn what's QA, its process, why test your software, what to test on your software and all the means to how to test it. Also this has a practic guide on how to automate your unit tests so your life will get easier!

  • Python Bootcamp - Escola de Férias PUC Minas

    This is a short course on the Python programming language. The syntax, the basics, some data structures and some cool features with puzzles and mini hackatons to test what you learned.

  • MVC Design Pattern

    This is a presentation on the MVC Design Pattern.

  • Seleção de Características - IA

  • Seguradora de Automóveis

  • Traveling Salesman Presentation

    This is a presentation on the Traveling Salesman Problem, implemented with a brute force algorithm in both Java and C programming languages for a seminar on Computer Science graduate course on PUC Minas.

  • Prolog Presentation

    This is a presentatin on Prolog, a logic programming language that was studied on the subject of Programming Languages on Computer Science graduate course on PUC Minas.