• Modern Frontend Developers

    Vamos en un viaje por herramientas y tecnologías que nos potencializará nuestro camino para convertirnos en Modern Frontend Developers

  • Serverless para Frontends

    Los desarrolladores front-end pueden hacer mucha magia en la web hoy en día, pero a veces todavía existe la necesidad de manejar algo de lógica en el lado del servidor. Serverless permite a los desarrolladores front-end crear aplicaciones fullstack sin tener que administrar y operar la infraestructura, lo que libera a los desarrolladores de la preocupación de las tareas back-end como escalar servidores y aprovisionar capacidad y recursos. En esta charla vamos a conocer el concepto ver algunos servicios y jugaremos con ellos. ¡Hagámoslo sin servidor!

  • WordPress in the JAMstack ecosystem

    WordPress is a CMS that powers more than a third of the web. With the power of its REST API, it is possible to implement a decoupled and headless architecture. In this talk we will see an alternative to add to our workflow when working with WordPress; JAMstack is not a specific set of tools, but a new and modern way to create websites and applications

  • React Hooks 101

    React en su versión 16.3.x lanzó los llamados HOOKS los cuales reemplazan los life cycles de sus versiones anteriores y llevan a que React sea cada vez más funcional y fácil de testear.

  • Intro to Stackbit: Build a Custom JAMstack in Minutes

    Stackbit is a new SaaS that allows developers of any level to build their own JAMstack sites, fast. Founders Ohad Eder-Pressman (CEO), Dan Barak (CPO) and Simon Hanukaev (CTO) started playing with the idea in late 2018 and formed an official company in early 2019.

  • Headless CMS and Modern web development

    A headless CMS is a CMS that has had its “head” — or front-end delivery layer — removed, leaving only the back-end. As a result, the content inside the CMS is no longer tied to a particular template or delivery layer. Instead, it’s free to be sent to any channel or device.

  • Pataconf

  • The JAMstack in 2019: Why (and How) to Get Started

    New to JAMstack? Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

  • Gatsby ⚛️

    Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps

  • GraphQL Query Language

    GraphQL is gaining traction as one of the most popular ways to create an API. Regardless of which GraphQL implementation you pick, you’ll use the QL in GraphQL — the query language — to query data, change data with mutations, and listen for data changes with subscriptions. You need to know the Query Language regardless of the server-side implementation.

  • React Native 101

    React Native's architecture has opened up many possibilities for re-inventing the clunkier aspects of UX construction on traditional platforms, making it easier and faster to build world-class experiences. This talk will explain its main features and how to start building a mobile application with React

  • Introduction to react-storybook

    Internal demo at Mattersupply. A design system is a series of components that can be reused in different combinations.

  • Introducing JAMstack - What we talk about when we talk about modern web tools

    Look at today's static sites. Thanks to modern browsers, JavaScript, third-party APIs, and Markup, they're anything but static. It's time for a new and better way to talk to developers, clients and each other about the work that we do. That way is the JAM stack. The JAM stack is more than just a name change. It's an acknowledgment that the way we develop for the web is changing. Developers are moving away from legacy development workflows and databases to new ones built around Git and the API economy. Why? Because JAM stack development delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling and better developer experience.

  • GraphQL Apollo-Client Workshop

    GraphQL is a fan favorite for good reason. It lets a client make specific, complex, and/or aggregate queries for data, and it’s user-friendly to boot. If you’ve been meaning to learn GraphQL and start harnessing its powers, this is a great place to start. This course is for GraphQL newbies with a basic understanding of React. It focuses on the client-side implementation of GraphQL usage using the Apollo client. We’ll start with a guide on how to add the Apollo client to an existing project, then move on using the Query and Mutation components to fetch and manipulate data using a GraphQL API.

  • Reduce Redux Boilerplate with Redux-Actions

    Redux is a powerful way to manage application state, but that power can come with a lot of code. A single update can sometimes require changes across many files and the code required to define action creators and to handle those actions in your reducer can start to get pretty repetitive. The redux-actions library offers a small but powerful API to help cut down on some of the boilerplate that is typical of an application that uses Redux to handle state management.

  • Flux - Redux

    Un presentacion corta acerca de la historia de Flux y Redux

  • Build a Server-rendered ReactJS Application with Next.js

    In this talk we we’ll see just how quickly next.js makes the process of building server-rendered ReactJS applications. Along the way we’ll learn about many of the amazing features Next.js provides for us out of the box, such as route prefetching and code-splitting, thus allowing us to spend more time developing and virtually no time setting up our environment.

  • Sequelize 101

    Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js. It supports the dialects PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and MSSQL.

  • NuxtJS

    A quick tour of the features of this framework to make server side render.

  • Frontend Developer

    The Web FrontEnd Developer discipline by introducing the various technologies that computer programmers use when creating web sites.

  • Arquitecturas de Microservicios

    Existe un creciente interés en la industria por el desarrollo de arquitecturas de microservicios, gracias a las muchas ventajas que ofrecen. Sin embargo, este nuevo paradigma supone un cambio de mentalidad a la hora de organizar nuestras aplicaciones y conlleva más trabajo de operaciones, creando así una barrera de entrada mayor frente a sistemas monolíticos.

  • Isomorphic Javascript: El Futuro de las aplicaciones web

    Isomorphic JavaScript es un concepto donde el backend y frontend comparten el mismo código, entenderemos por qué estas nuevas bibliotecas y frameworks son la solución a los problemas asociados con los tradicionales marcos de trabajo en javascript.

  • noBackend con Node.JS en Azure App Services

    Azure App Services es una plataforma en la nube que sirve para crear sólidas aplicaciones web y móviles desde las que se puede obtener acceso a datos desde cualquier lugar, ya sea en la nube o desde la infraestructura local.

  • Depuración remota con VorlonJS

    VorlonJS es una herramienta agnóstica a la plataforma de ejecución que nos permite depurar y probar JavaScript de forma remota, esto que quiere decir, que gracias a VorlonJS ahora nosotros los desarrolladores vamos a poder cargar remotamente, inspeccionar, probar y depurar código JavaScript que corra en cualquier dispositivo con un navegador.