• deck

  • Thinking in Data

    Thinking in Data. Clojure/Cljs Web development

  • Async Data Pipelines in Clojure

    Building Data Pipelines in core.async and SQS

  • Typography is Design

  • Caching half a billion user transactions

    While many robust Cache libraries exists, understanding cache invalidation and eviction in a distributed platform requires a deeper understanding of your data access patterns. At Level Money we built our own caching solution, backed by a Memcached Farm. In this talk I will share our story: how we name and version our caches, grow dependency graphs, find expensive computations, avoid race conditions, and define compute functions to serialize financial data using a simple Protocol.

  • Protocol Oriented Programming, in Clojure, Cljs

    Clojure and Cljs expose their core data structures and hosts using Protocols. However, typical webapps built on Clojure/Cljs have seldom used Protocols to abstract domain concepts. Thanks to Component, Om.Next, and the announcement of Swift as "Protocol Oriented Language" new abstractions are emerging.

  • React, Life without MVC

    OO programming has many real benefits but one of its worst influences on UIs is obscuring Data. Yet, dozens of MVC frameworks continue to grow and introduce leaky abstractions with middlemen like Models, Views, Controllers and Directives. React is simple. Talk talk is a high-level overview on React's core principles, with an emphasis on Clojurescript’s abstractions like immutable data, state, and transitions.

  • Clojure HTTP Services

    HTTP/RESt Services in Clojure

  • Functional Programming in Cljs

    Clojurescript is an FP language that targets the Browser, Node, and Rhino. As a subset of Clojure, Cljs compiles to an optimized Js, and provides a solid foundation for building and designing user-interfaces with immutable data structures, first-class namespaces, scopes, and a minimalist syntax that does more with less.

  • Fullstack FP in Clj/Cljs

    What happens when we design a product entirely using FP?What are our abstractions? From choosing a functional database to building http apis and designing templates and stylesheets—it is possible these days, to stay entirely in FP land!

  • Responsive-Grids-with-Garden

    Clojurescript community has been slow to embrace Garden, a simple library for rendering CSS in Clojure/ClojureScript. Conceptually similar to Hiccup, Garden allows you to design pages and layouts like a functional programmer: plain-old data structures, functions, and abstractions.

  • unified-interfaces-with-clojurescript

    Designing user-interfaces on modern browsers depend on wiring up code, HTML5, and handcrafted CSS3 with Less and Sass. The experience isn’t fluid, and leaves a hole at the intersection of code and design. Clojurescript builds on the power of Javascript, the minimalism of Coffeescript, along with its own expressive syntax that you can bend at will. The result is a fun, exploratory process, to unify code and markup and styles that push your imagination.

  • Scriptbowl 2014, Jvm Languages

    Languages that run on the JVM, represented by their respective language nerds, battle for bragging rights as the most popular language. This year's contest winners: Groovy & Clojure.

  • Poem As Value

    A functional concept for interacting with poems from the public domain: encode poems in Edn, explore them with Elasticsearch, study Linguistics, and save annotations as immutable data structures. Written in Clojure Python Clojurescript jQuery and CSS3. Presented in the track, "Crazy Clojure" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78akckfpvnQ