unified user interfaces

in Clojurescript 

forwardjs 4 feb 2015

@priyatam mudivarti


Learning another language is like becoming another person


- Haruki Murakami

HTML5  markup, dom, semantics

SVG markup, math, and graphics

Canvas  more math and graphics!


rules, selectors, prefixes, variables, 
mixins, typography and responsive design

vars, functions, scope, event handling,  dom, modules

where are we?

my experience

programming, ui design

fiction writing, street-photography 



First solve the problem, then write the code 


- John Johnson

perspective matters

context matters

idioms matter,

 how we think in code while designing




 Learning cooking is not about guessing the functionality of your kitchen appliances. It's about understanding how ingredients can be combined.


— Brett Victor




var javascript = (function() {       

    console.log("is lisp in C clothing");




(->> "javascript in lisp clothing" 


         (. js/console))

Clojurescript 202

(def a-vector [1 2 3 4 5])

(def a-nested-map 
  {:customer-id 1e6
   :preferences {:nickname "Bob"
                 :avatar "http://en.gravatar.com/userimage/0/0.jpg"}
                 :services {:alerts {:daily true}}})

(def complex-map 
  {[1 2] :one-two 
   [3 4] :three-four})

(def a-set 
  #{:cat :dog :bird})

Clojurescript 202: immutable data structures

;; Unlike JavaScript there is no hoisting in ClojureScript. ClojureScript has lexical scoping.

(def some-x 1)

(let [some-x 2]

;; functions parameters, let bindings locals, and loop locals are not mutable!

(let [fns (loop [i 0 ret []]
            (if (< i 10)
              (recur (inc i) (conj ret (fn [] i)))
  (map #(%) fns))

Clojurescript 202: scope

; simple function
(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))

;; function with multiple args and default values
(defn another-function
  ([x] (defaults x :default))
  ([x y] [x y]))

;; closure

(let [a 1e3]
  (defn foo []
    (* a a))
  (defn bar []
    (+ (foo) a)))

;; higher order functions

Clojurescript 202: functions

;; list comprehension
(for [x (range 1 10)
      y (range 1 10)
      :when (and (zero? (rem x y))
                 (even? (quot x y)))]
  [x y])

;; higher order functions over sequences
(map inc [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])

(filter even? (range 10))

(reduce + (range 100))

(partition 2 [:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5])

(remove odd? (range 10))

(take 5 (interleave (repeat "red") (repeat "blue")))

;; Protocols, a.k,a Interfaces
(defprotocol MyProtocol (awesome [this]))
(extend-protocol MyProtocol
  (awesome [_] "Having an awesome time!")
  (awesome [_] "I'm an awesome number!"))

(awesome #inst "2014")
(awesome 5)

Clojurescript 202: abstractions


and much more

You get power by interacting

with your interface

 not with code


— Jeff Raskin

Demo #1

a simple autocomplete


markup in clojurescript data structures

styles in clojurescript data structures (with namespaces and functions!)

event handling as functions


Demo #2

static site templating


like jquery, apply selectors and transform a static html

into a dynamic app

 Code manipulates data. To understand code, a learner must see the data, and see the effect of code on the data.


- Brett Victor

Demo #3

live coding in the canvas api


 Liveness means the user interface is always active and reactive—objects respond to user actions, animations run, layout happens, and information displays update continuously. 


- John H Maloney

Demo #4

a web pixel editor 


built entirely in Om

with undo/redo, kb events, async channels ...


~ 1200 lines, no other deps

bending language

at will

hoplon, a dsl to program the web


html evaluator, first-class custom dom components, spreadsheet-like dataflow programming to manage client state, fast rpc

Demo #5

data flow programming

functional composition of code, styles, and markup

abstractions with protocols, not object inheritance

lexical binding, and first-class namespaces


... and live coding and design!


common themes




Special thanks to David Nolen, Chris Granger, Alan Dipert, and Joel Holdbrooks, and many others for their persistence and commitment in building the Clojurescript community. 



figwheel (flappy bird), goya, libre



matt martini





b/w photography

priyatam mudivarti



clojurescript tutorials



amazing libraries

c2, dommy, enfocus, freactive, gardenhoplonkioojayq

mondarin, omzelkova



mies, chestnut, ringo



cider, lighttable



Designing for productivity—even if that requires retraining—is often the correct decision

- Jeff Raskin, The Humane Interface


By Priyatam Mudivarti


Designing user-interfaces on modern browsers depend on wiring up code, HTML5, and handcrafted CSS3 with Less and Sass. The experience isn’t fluid, and leaves a hole at the intersection of code and design. Clojurescript builds on the power of Javascript, the minimalism of Coffeescript, along with its own expressive syntax that you can bend at will. The result is a fun, exploratory process, to unify code and markup and styles that push your imagination.

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