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  • [MLH] Getting Started with Functions

    Getting Started with DigitalOcean functions with the MLH Functions challenge

  • Fruits and Turnips: A Cost Management Story

    Our priorities inform what we do with our money. What do you really need those bells for? Are you trying to add an extension on your home or get a five star island? How will what you buy help? How do you plan to get those bells? One of the ways to make bells is the selling of fruits and turnips. Fruits are an abundant sellable resource that requires space on your island (infrastructure) and a friend’s island to sell (connections). The return rate is steady but not time blocked. Turnips appear once a week with ten selling windows a week that can vary wildly on price where taking a loss is pretty common. Knowing this, I’ll demonstrate how spend can tell us what our priorities were and the pros and cons to each approach. Cost management is more than cutting costs, but making sure the costs that are made support those priorities.

  • CFP! But How??

    This talk will go over a quick few steps on how to target your CFPs.

  • DevOpsDays: Serverless Monitoring Checklist

  • ContainerCamp: Serverless Frenemies

    FaaS is the Compute Heart of Serverless Architecture. It's a great first step to building a truly robust service-based workload and the quickest way to run into obstacles. Is it secure enough? Why do these timeouts keep happening? I need more memory! Could Managed Kubernetes be the answer? This talk will go over the limits of FaaS and what options you have for Serverless Containers.

  • Live Your Best Tech Conference

    This talk will give a quick walkthrough of how to make the most of any tech conference including how to prepare, what to look out for, and what to skip.

  • More than Just Talk

    This goes into the Structure and Strategy of building a Talk Presentation Slide Deck as well as some common pitfalls of Technical Speaking.

  • ServerlessConf: Managing your Serverless Servers

    The backbone of serverless architecture is using Functions as a Service to handle your logic needs. This is done by spinning up containers to run these functions on demand. For many use cases, this would be enough. Other times, you would need to manage small configurations such as time outs and memory. More often, a developer needs to use third-party libraries or a company built and maintained library. For small changes, the timeout and memory can be adjusted through configuration settings with the cloud provider such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions. To import third-party or other pre-built libraries, cloud providers will accept deployment packages that can be uploaded with a zip file or other deployment procedure after building the package locally. AWS has also introduced Layers as a way of having a standard way of deploying libraries to already existing runtimes. In more complicated scenarios, such as an IT Department requirement that any runtime be ‘blessed’ or maintaining a golden archive of runtimes, a combination of OpenWhisk and Docker Blackbox can allow you to choose your own runtime. This talk will go over all of these options, how to choose which is the best for your particular use case, and how to implement them.

  • Traditionally Serverless

    For traditional application engineers with a few years under their belt, technology trends like Serverless come and go. It’s hard to get excited if you’ve already lost time and energy to a trend that never got adopted. This talk will go over common arguments and open a path to Serverless Adoption.

  • Serverless ETLs Three Ways

    ETLs are a staple in application development and data engineering, and AWS offers multiple solutions depending on your need. In this session, you walk through a developer experience evolving an ETL with changing customer requirements. Beginning with a bare-bones, single Lambda function, the experience grows into a more sophisticated single-read ETL solution, and finally an upgrade to Amazon Athena for a more intuitive batch solution that doesn’t destroy your source with use. Each solution is serverless but inherently different in design and intent, and you’ll learn the advantages and failings of each.