• Code

  • Introduction to waSCC - WebAssembly Secure Capabilities Connector

    An introduction to waSCC, a WebAssembly host runtime that provides secure dispatch between actors compiled to WebAssembly and pluggable capability providers

  • NATS Connect: Cloud Native WebAssembly

    A brief introduction to waSCC, a framework that allows developers to strip away unnecessary boilerplate and compile pure business logic into WebAssembly modules, and how NATS support is foundational.

  • Building a Containerless Future with WebAssembly

    WebAssembly is the future of distributed computing. Its security, memory isolation, small footprint, and true portability are all advantages on the web, but become truly game-changing when used to build functions and services deployed in the cloud. This session illustrates how to host WebAssembly modules in Rust code, how to build modules in many different languages (including pros and cons of each), and how to securely grant cloud-native capabilities to these modules. Discussed in detail is the current state of the art in WebAssembly and what can be built with it today. Learn what developers can start doing now to build the containerless future where WebAssembly modules are the de-facto unit of immutable deployment in the cloud, at the edge, and even in IoT and embedded devices.