• deck

  • 海洋與氣候

    I don't know what am I doing. Let's hope that I'd figure out before lecturing.

  • 大氣動力學 Atmospheric Dynamics

    The study of motion systems of meteorological importance, integrating observations at multiple locations and times and theories.

  • 斜溫圖 Skew-T Log-P Diagram

    A skew-T log-P diagram is one of four thermodynamic diagrams commonly used in weather analysis and forecasting.

  • 建中地科讀書會籌會


  • Lambda Expression in C++


  • CSxAS

    It'd be great to turn in two homeworks with one presentation

  • 詹姆斯.韋伯太空望遠鏡


  • 基礎資料結構(vector, stack, queue)

    第一次做資訊簡報 ><

  • 地科讀書紀錄 2022/02/20

  • 影像處理

  • 諾貝爾化學獎報告

    2003 年——水及離子通道