• Web Development - 2024 Edition

    15th Mar. 2k24

  • From CRA To Vite

    This talk is dedicated to the discovery of Vite / or how to develop a React application without CRA ⚛️ Step-by-step, I'll guide you through the migration of your Web application, with a practical use case.

  • Redux, Context, Signals... Welcome To The State Management World

  • ABC... Tests

    Les tests unitaires pour le développement Web

  • Let's Talk About IT Projects And Code

    23th Nov. 2k22

  • Hooks

    State, Props & Hooks !

  • Testing Lib

    Enzyme Vs Testing Lib (React & Cypress)

  • Axios Vs Fetch

    Comparing Axios & Fetch

  • Units Tests

    Units Test With Jest