• Favisbook | Setting Up a U.S Visa Stamp Appointment

    The topics we cover will span from the time that an individual’s J-1 or H-1B status is approved, through the time of their arrival to the United States.

  • Favisbook | Overview of US Immigration Policy

    As a lawful permanent resident (LPR), one receives a permanent resident card (a “green card”), is eligible to work, and may later apply for US citizenship.

  • Favisbook - Modern Immigration Laws

    To be eligible – foreign individual must be sponsored by a U.S. citizen relative, future employer, or U.S. permanent resident.

  • Favisbook | Spanish Immigration Laws

    Significant numbers of Spaniards also immigrated to Algeria ,France and Germany. In the World Wars and the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), emigration to these countries began a new era.

  • Favisbook | Immigration - Starting a New Life in America

    For hundreds of years, people have moved to America from other countries. Millions of immigrants have come to the United States.

  • Favisbook | Work After Studies Abroad By Extending Your Visa

    You must show that you have the outstanding tuition fee for the first year plus the required maintenance amount for yourself and, if applicable for any dependants who are applying with you

  • Favisbook - Important Documents Required For Student Immigration

    Travelling to Germany has by no means been more prepared and stress-free irrespective of what the motive of your journey is. The D visa is typically issued for 3 months, however can also be issued for up to one year and must specify whether its holder is allowed to work inside the respective country.


    An entrepreneur must invest a minimum of $1 million in a new commercial enterprise, an existing “troubled” business, or into expanding an existing business or $500,000 if investing within a targeted employment area.

  • Favisbook - Schengen Visa Agreement

    Once you enter one Schengen country you may travel continuously for up to 90 days within the member countries.

  • Favisbook - Visa Options for Artists

    A high level of achievement… evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition substantially above that ordinarily encountered to the extent that a person is described as prominent, renowned, leading or well-known in the field of arts.”

  • Favisbook - International Student Visa Quarries

    Make sure you know the date your Leave to Remain expires – Check your Passport today!