• Intro To Microservices

    Have you wanted to learn about microservices, but didn't know what to ask? Maybe you saw the term on a job posting, or heard it mentioned in passing in an article you read. Fear not! In this talk, we'll go over the very basics of microservices, from what even is software architecture, how microservices work, and what you - as a junior dev - need to know about them.

  • Engineering A Better Interview

    Interviewing people isn’t easy - it’s like combining performance reviews, A-Levels, and The Bachelor into an awkward couple of hours. Eek. Add to that the fact interviewing is (statistically) really difficult and barely any interviewers get training. So to help, Heather provides some useful design patterns (and anti-patterns!) for technical people to be better interviewers.

  • What Do You Mean I Can't Google It?

    [muCon 2019 - SkillsMatters] -- Search functionality is crucial, but not always so simple with microservices. Trying to retrieve data from multiple independent databases can easily balloon in complexity and load on your system. That’s why Landbay built their own search microservice using Elasticsearch, custom indices, full data rebuilds, and event-driven messaging design patterns. The end result isn’t exactly the same as Google, but it definitely beats using complex search query boilerplate. Or Bing.

  • Independent Services, Throw Your Hand Up At Me!

    [muCon 2019 - SkillsMatters] -- Like most things pushed by Netflix, microservices are all anyone is talking about. But are your microservices independent? And do they always have to be? Heather explores these questions while sharing some of her own experiences at Landbay, toying with these answers to find what works best for them.