Nuclear proliferation is defined as the transfer of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-usable nuclear technology and information to countries that are not designated as "Nuclear Weapon States."

  • Nuclear Energy Ebook

    China successfully tested its first hydrogen bomb in the remote Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Northern China, according to the Los Angeles Times. In one of the images, John was astounded to see Zoe standing amid a group of nuclear scientists awaiting Chairman Mao's handshake. "Oh, my God, what a horrifying notion!" "She would rather have bombs than me?" John screamed his displeasure.

  • Australian Mystery Writers

    Essentially, a political thriller is a suspenseful story set against the backdrop of a political power struggle. Political thrillers deal with political conflicts. Crowds should expect emotional plot-driven storytelling when the universe of governmental affairs enters the screen. Isn't it true that the stakes can't go any greater than the fate of the entire world?

  • What readers hope to get out of reading political thriller books?

    Until now, the world has paid little attention to China's atomic developments and their impact on global atomic peace; indeed, there are no practically political thriller literature available. As a result, the book will fill this void in the distribution industry.