• Use The Platform

    The browser is pretty powerful, and we can do a lot of things natively, without using libraries. What are some of these things and why start with the platform first?

  • Web Technologies | 2020

    Slides for the Web Technologies laboratories I teach at the local Computer Science faculty. See them on my blog: https://iampava.com/slides/web-technologies-2020

  • STAW | Laboratories 2019

    Slides for the STAW (Full Stack Web Development) I teach at the local Computer Science faculty. More info on https://iampava.com/staw

  • Battle of the Browsers

  • Oh shit, you got the job!

    A half-half presentation! A technical half + a non technical one about how to make the most out of your job in tech, Works better with this song in the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgPJUrPJxhk

  • A browser story

  • Web Technologies | 2019

    Slides for the Web Technologies laboratories I teach at the local Computer Science faculty. More info here: https://iampava.com/tw

  • JavaScript: the fast & the furious

    Building a performant, non-trivial web app is a challenge every developer must take, be it just for educational purposes. It's no small feat to accomplish this, as it requires curiosity and perseverance, as well as the technical skills to back them up!

  • Keep both eyes on performance

    You've got a fast app... Now what? Well, no time for rest because optimizing it is just the first step. Keeping it fast is the harder part. So, in this talk we'll look at what tools & techniques can help you monitor your performance and keep those metrics in check.

  • Optimize like your life depends on it!

    Building a performant, non-trivial web app is a challenge every developer must take, be it just for educational purposes. It's no small feat to accomplish this, as it requires curiosity and perseverance, as well as the technical skills to back them up!

  • DevDrive @IdeaJam Iasi

    Presenting DevDrive - devdrive.io - at the local "idea competition" IdeaJam! 🔥

  • What's behind the JavaScript door?

  • Deep dive into Chrome & Firefox's DevTools

    Browsers are pretty amazing pieces of software! They not only enable access to the The Web, but their DevTools are full-fledged IDEs making us more capable and productive developers! So we'd say it's about time to put our "diving gear" on and explore the depths of how browsers can help us in our day-to-day jobs.

  • CLIW | Laboratories 2018

    Slides for the CLIW (Client Side Web Development) laboratories I teach at the local Computer Science faculty. More info here: https://iampava.com/cliw

  • PWAs: fad or future?

    Talk + mini workshop regarding PWAs.

  • Complete JavaScript

    Slides for my "Complete JavaScript" training which will take you, quite literally, from zero to HERO! 🔥

  • Is JavaScript the best language in the world?

    My relationship with JavaScript is pretty great! I love the language and what you can do with it! But, is it just the butterflies talking or am I right in this belief?

  • Why JS is the best language in the world 🔥

    Slides for our presentation at JSPub Iasi | https://jspubiasi.github.io/

  • AJAX Fundamentals | online course

    Slides for my free AJAX Fundamentals video course. You can find it online here: https://iampava.com/courses/ajax-fundamentals/

  • Geeky & Fun: PWA Workshop

  • Web Technologies | Laboratories

    Slides for the Web Technologies laboratories I teach at UAIC University, Iasi.

  • Intro to Web Development | Workshop Series

  • How to Pitch: a Startup Weekend Workshop

  • Fake it till you Make it

  • Next gen UX with Progressive Web Apps

  • Ionic Crashcourse

  • Bytesized Javascript Journeys

  • Speed vs Quality - a Start-up's decision

    Speed of Quality? What should a Start-up choose when developing new features?

  • OpenLayers

  • Reactive Programming with JS examples

  • Ionic 2

    A brief overview of the newly released Ionic 2 framework and it's most awesome features! Have fun!

  • WebSockets & WebWorkers

    Introduction to WebSockets & WebWorkers! The code for the exercises can be downloaded here: https://github.com/pafcal/websockets-presentation

  • PafcalJS - Ro

    Prezentarea bibliotecii JavaScript: PafcalJS, ce oferă oricărei aplicații web o nouă dimensiune de control, gesturile mâinii. Slide-uri mutate aici: https://iampava.com/slides/pafcaljs